Chapter 33

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I turned to face the guys. They all had a shocked and worried look on their faces.

"Why on earth are you on tour then!" Ash said. "Its not healthy for you!"

"Ash, I've only been pregnant for two months. I think I'll be okay."


I turned my attention to Jeremy. "I'm fine. The baby's fine. I'm more worried about you. You almost died."

"But I'm okay now." He tried to sit up but winced in pain.

"We're going to have to cancel the rest of the tour." Andy said.

"W-We can't. W-We can't just let down the whole world. Maybe just postpone these last few dates, but that's it. I refuse to cancel the whole tour because of me. Plus, we have a month break after the fifteenth."

I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "The guys and I will talk about it. But for now, sleep. That's all I want you to do right now."

He nodded His head and closed his eyes. He seemed to slightly wince every time he tried to move. I motioned the guys to go into the hallway and I closed the door behind me.

"I agree with Jinxx. We should just postpone the rest of this leg. I mean, we're going to a lot of new places this next leg." Jake said.

I saw CC and Ash were nodding their heads. We all looked over to Andy.

"We'll keep an eye on him for the next month. But right now, we'll postpone the next eight dates. If he's not better by the start of the second half of the leg, we'll add more dates." He said.

We all nodded our heads and went back into the room. Jeremy was sound asleep. I went over to the bed and sat down next to him. I grabbed his hand and ran my thumb across his knuckles. I can tell he's relaxed a lot more since he finally fell asleep. We stayed with Jeremy all day, until a nurse said that visiting hours were over and we had to leave.

"Is it okay if I stay with him for the night?" I ask the nurse.

"Alright. I'll grab a few extra pillows and blankets and you can sleep on the sofa over there." She pointed to the sofa underneath the window.

"Thank you." I told her and she left to get my pillow and blanket.

"I'll bring you a change of clothes for tomorrow." Ash said.

"Thanks Ash. And bring something for Jinxx. Just so you won't have to dig through his bag, looking for something to wear for when he can come home." I told him.

He nodded his head and gave me a hug. The guys followed suit and left the room together.

"Care?" I turned to face him. "My chest hurts really bad."

"I know." I kissed his forehead. "But hey, at least you were able to sit up on your own today! That's great progress. And the doctor said he's taking you off most of these machines tomorrow, since your heart and lung seem to be working fine. Maybe we can try to get you up and walking again."

"We can try. I just hurt. A lot. Especially with this thing in me." He pointed to the tube that leads into his lung.

I cringed at the sight. I understand that it's ment to prevent Jeremy's lung from collapsing, but its still kind of gross. The nurse walked in and handed me a blanket and pillow before giving Jeremy pain medication through his IV and left.

"Care, come here." He patted the empty spot on his bed.

I set the pillow and blanket down on the sofa and climbed in the right side of the bed. He wrapped his right arm around me, avoiding the tubes from ripping out of his hand and arm. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"So the baby's okay?"

"You jumped in front of me and took a bullet for me. You chose to give up your life to save mine and the baby's lives. So yes. The baby is fine."

"At that moment, I didn't care about the band or the fans or anyone. I only cared about protecting you and the baby."

I lifted up my head to look at him.

"I called your parents when you were sleeping earlier today. Your mom will be here in the morning."

"You know my mom's going to freak out, right?"

"She deserves to know what happened."

"You're right." He yawned. "I just got really tired all of a sudden."

"Its probably just the pain medication. Just try and go to sleep you'll feel better in the morning."

"M'kay. I love you Care."

"I love you too Jinxx."


"My poor baby!" Momma Jinxx came running into Jeremy's hospital room.

She ran over to Jeremy and started kissing him all over his face.

"Momma, I'm fine. Really." He told her.

"You're in a hospital! On the wrong side of the country! You are not fine. And please tell me you and the baby are fine." She turned to me

"The baby's fine Momma Jinxx. I am too. I'm just glad Jeremy is okay."

"Have you talked to a doctor to see if you can be transported to a hospital in Los Angeles?"

"The doctor wants to keep him here for a little bit longer. Then we can take a flight home." I said.

"Is the rest of the band staying with you guys?"

"Yeah. The crew decided to drive home and John was going to put the guys' instruments in Andy's apartment. Since Juliet is over there." I said.

"Well. I'm glad you're all okay." She hugged Jeremy. "Do you two need anything?"

"Anything that's better than this gross ass food they give us here."

"Anything specific?"

"Nope. As long as it's good."

"Alright. I'll be back in about an hour."

Momma Jinxx smiled and left. I stood up from the sofa and crawled into the bed next to Jeremy. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You feeling okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah. How about you? You did just get a tube ripped out of your side."

"Surprisingly, I feel great! I could probably be up and walking by tonight."

I felt something come up again. I jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. I made it to the toilet just in time to empty out all the food I've ate since I woke up.


Next thing I know, I felt a hand holding my hair back and another rub my back. I took deep breaths when I knew I had nothing left. I wiped my mouth with some toilet paper that sat beside me. I turned and pulled Jeremy into a hug, then realizing he was out of bed and on the opposite side of the room.

"Jeremy, you're up." I whispered.

"You got sick. I know you needed my help." He mumbled into my hair.

I pulled him away and held him at arms length. "Jeremy, you stood up and practically ran to help me."

"We could go home sooner." He smiled.

I smiled and hugged him back. We pulled away and I helped him up and back to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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