Chapter 29

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The day we left Iowa for New York, Jeremy and I promised to visit many times once Warped Tour finished. We sat in the airport, waiting for our flight to be called. We were probably an hour early, so we were going to be sitting there for a while. Our flight was finally called and we quickly made our way onto the plane. We found our seats, and thank god that we had the row to ourselves. The plane finally took off and we were on our way to meet the others to start the Black Mass Tour!


When the plane landed a few hours later, we got out of the plane and down to the luggage claim. We found our bags and guitar and violin cases quickly.

"Andy just texted me." Jeremy said. "He said the bus should be here any minute now, outside the main entrance."

"Alright. Let's go then." I replied.

We got outside and soon enough, a large black tour bus pulled up. Black Veil Brides was written on the sides, and the re-designed logo was on the front and back, all in a vibrant white color. John stepped out of the bus and helped Jeremy put all the bags under the bus, and his instruments in the trailer hooked to the back to the bus. I made my way up the stairs to be immediately crushed by my Chuppy.

"Hi CC." I managed to choke out.

"Oh! Sorry my favorite female drummer." He let go of me and dusted off my shoulders.

CC taught me a bit of drums on my first tour with the guys. He claims I'm as good as him, but I don't think so. I sat down on one of the couches and talked with BVB's other merch guy, Eric. Basically, there's two merch tables. One at the main entrance to go into the venue, and another inside the venue. He said he was going to take the table inside, while I took the one outside. It was really easy to know how much is what. Shirts, $25. Hoodies, $60. CDs, $15. Rubber and string bracelets, $5. Posters, $20. Anything else is $5. It's really simple. He said that when we make it to our first stop, He would show me how to set it up. Jeremy and John got on the bus, and we were off. Twenty minutes went by and we finally pulled into the back parking lot of the first venue. We all got off the bus and started unpacking the trailer of equipment. Eric and I brought boxes into the front of the venue. We stopped at the table in the back of the venue.

"First, we hang the shirts up. It really doesn't have to be perfect." I helped him hang up one of each design on a hanger and the hooks behind the table. "Now, just take out one of each album, bracelet, and anything else." I helped him lay everything out. "Lastly, we hang both posters on either side of the shirts." I helped him hang both tour posters. "That's it. There should be a price sheet in one of the boxes still in the trailer. We'll go get them and I'll help you finish displaying the shit."

We made our way back outside and got the rest of the boxes. We got everything else set up at my table. I made my way to the dressing rooms. I knocked before coming in, knowing that anything could happen behind that closed door. Believe me. I've seen things that I never should even think about. The door opened to reveal Ashley.

"Hey Carolyn!" he smiled and pulled my into a hug. "How's my girl doing?"

"Great. It sucks that I got fired. But, Now I get to hang out more with the sweetest guys I've ever met."

"I still can't believe he fired you for not coming into work because you were having a mental break-down."

"I can't either."

I made my way inside and sat down on the leather couch that sat in the corner of the room. Andy sat in front of the mirror as he applied his warpaint. That was when I came up with a great plan.

"Hey Andy," I leaned over his shoulder to grab the paint. "Can I borrow this for a second?"

"Go right ahead. I just finished." He looked at me through the mirror.

"Kay. Thanks!"

I went and sat back down on the couch. I took a bit of the paint and smeared a little on my finger. Jeremy then sat down next to me. He leaned over towards me to kiss me. Instead, he got paint smeared across his cheek.

"What the fuck was that for!"

Instead of saying something, I smeared paint on the other cheek.

"Awe!" I heard CC say. "She did your warpaint for you!"

I just rolled my eyes.

"She actually did a pretty damn good job at it too." Jake commented.

"Well, I better get going." I stood up after kissing Jeremy and wiping the rest of the paint on my jeans.

"Bye Carolyn!" they all waved to me before I left the room.

I made my way down the various hallways and found my way back to the front of the venue. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for the doors to open for the show. I took one last look at everything, making sure they're in the right place. The doors opened and people were literally running inside.

Here it goes. I thought.

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