Chapter 9

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on a door. I pulled off the blanket and slipped out of Jeremy's grip before getting up out of bed. I opened the door to reveal Jake on the otherside.

"Is Jinxx in here?" He asked.

"Yeah. He's still sleeping though." I told him.

"Alright. Thanks. We have another interview in the next couple hours. So you should probably get him up."

"Okay. Thanks Jake."

I closed the door and turned back to where Jeremy was sleeping. I went over and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Jeremy." I said slightly shaking his shoulder. "Jeremy, you gotta get up."

He groaned and rolled onto his back. I giggled and was suddenly pulled on top of Jeremy. He flipped us over so he was straddling me. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Morning Carolyn." he smiled before rolling off of me and standing up to grab some clothes from his suitcase.

"Morning Jeremy." I giggled.

I stood up and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower and stripped down when the water was warm enough. After ten minutes I turned the water off and dried myself off before throwing on my clothes. I unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom to brush my hair.

"Took you long enough." Jeremy said.

I rolled my eyes as he walked past me and locked the bathroom door. Tewnty minutes later he came out wearing his usual stage clothes. hair dried, bit not straitened.

"Could you help me with my hair?" He asked. "It's not staying in place."

"Sure." I said.

I went into the bathroom and he sat down on the toilet seat. I picked up the straightener and a small piece on the shorter strands of his hair. I straightened it and sprayed some hairspray on the strand of hair. I did that until his hair looked perfect.

"Finished." I said and unplugged the hair straightner.

I used the hairspray one more time to keep his hair in place, even if he's a sweaty mess after the show tonight. He stood up and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks beautiful." He said and left the bathroom.

I followed him into the main room of the hotel and sat on the queen sized bed. He tied his boots and helped me up off the bed. We went down to the main floor in the elevator. We turned the corner and went to the small breakfast buffet. I didn't grab much, just a pancake and a cup of coffee. Jeremy had just as much as the others. We sat down at the large table with the guys and ate our breakfast.


I sat on the floor in the corner on Jeremy's laptop while the guys were on the other side of the room doing an interview. I looked up every few minutes when I heard them laughing. I looked back at the screen and finished doing what I was doing. The venue we were at was huge. I've never been inside this venue and I've lived in New York City since I was born. I set the laptop on the coffee table in front of me and picked up my cup of coffee. They finished up the interview and Jeremy sat down next to me. He kissed the side of my head and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey you." He said.

"Hey." I said.

"What's wrong?"


"You sure? Because if something's wrong-"

"I'm okay, really. I'm just a little tired. That's all."


The door opened and a man pocked his head in. "Five minutes guys." He closed the door.

Jeremy kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, we'll be over before you know it."

I nodded my head. He left the room with the rest of the band, and I was alone. I picked up Jeremy's laptop and went on YouTube. I logged into my account and clicked on my page. I decided to do a short vlog.

"Hey guys." I said to the camera. "So I'm in my hometown of New York City. Backstage in Black Veil Brides' dressing room. If your wondering why the footage is better than last video, its because I'm using Jinxx's laptop. I left my GoPro on the bus and I'm to lazy to go and get it." I looked over to the door and back to the screen. "Just wanted to say hi and give you an update on BVB. So, um, AP Tour is happening now. We have already been to a whole bunch of places including Las Vegas, Pittsburgh and now New York. Um, Warped Tour will be next month. I'm not sure if I will be there for the whole tour. It's a long process recording for BVB. I wasn't supposed to go on tour with them actually. CC erased all the recordings I had. So now I'm here. Stuck on tour with them. I think that's it. Oh wait! I forgot. Black Veil Brides' tour called Church Of The Wild Ones Tour will kick off this winter. More information will posted on their Facebook page, official website, and Twitter page. That's all I've got. I'll try and do something soon. Bye."

I turned the camera off. I added the links to my Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook, and BVB's links to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at the end of the video. I edited in the chorus of In The End, just a little treat for them. I uploaded the video and logged out if YouTube. The door opened to reveal five extremely sweaty guys.

"Hi guys." I said.

They all said hi back. Jeremy kissed my cheek before following the others to the showers.

"Thank god." I thought.

I started packing up the guys' stuff up in their bags they brought into the venue. The guys finished and we got back onto the bus. We got to the hotel and I immediately fell onto the bed an fell asleep.

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