Chapter 32

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"No!" I screamed through tears, trying to stop the blood flow out of the bullet wound in Jeremy's chest.

The guys ran out of the venue with a couple security guards to keep Carson from running away with me again. Fans left and right were calling 911 to get an ambulance and police here.

"Please, please, please, stay with us." I whispered to him. "You can't leave us now."

I could hear the sirens in the distance coming towards us. The guys and most of the crew were trying to calm down some fans and giving me some space. I managed to smear his blood across mine and his face trying to wake him up, and stop the blood flow. The police finally showed up and arrested Carson. The EMT pulled up beside the crowd and paramedics came rushing out. They pulled Jeremy onto the gurney and loaded him into the back of the truck.

"Wait!" I yelled. "I need to go with him."

"I'm sorry ma'am." The male said. "We cannot allow you to come with us."

"I'm his girlfriend. And I need to stay with him."

The male looked over at the female who was attending Jeremy and she nodded.

"Fine." He started making his way back to the EMT.

I looked over towards the guys and yelled at Ash to get in a car and follow the EMT. I climbed onto the EMT and sat down beside Jeremy. I grabbed a hold of his hand, which was paler then ever, as we made our way to the hospital. When we finally reached the hospital, they wheeled Jeremy through the halls and towards the surgical wing. A nurse stopped me just before the doors.

"Ma'am, we can't allow you back there. We're going to have to escort you to the waiting room until the surgery is finished." She told me.

I nodded my head as I felt more tears stream down my blood-covered face. She lead me into a waiting room and handed me a clipboard with a medical form on it, telling me to fill out as much a possible.

Full Name: Jeremy Miles Ferguson
Sex: Male
Birth Date: 1/07/86
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 11"
Age: 28


I looked up to see the guys walking up to me. Ash ran up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"You doing okay?" He asked.

"I-I don't know. I'm terrified that he's not going to make it."

"He's been around for two hundred years. I think he'll be fine." Andy told me as he handed me a damp paper towel to wipe off the blood and dirt on my hands and face.

"J-Jake? C-can you help me fill this out?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and took the clipboard from me. Ash wiped the blood off my face and hands before I rested my head on his shoulder as he tried to calm me down. Jake tapped my shoulder not long after and handed me back the clipboard.

"It says for you to sign the bottom." He told me.

I sat up and signed my name before standing up and handing the lady at the desk the clipboard. I sat back down between Ash and CC and pulled my legs up to my chest. I looked over at the clock and saw it was way past midnight, nearing one in the morning.

"Carolyn," Ash said. "Maybe you should get some sleep. It may take a while."

"I-I just want to be with him when he wakes up." I told him.

"I'll wake you up when they say we can see him."

I nodded my head. I saw CC move next to Andy across from us so I could have more room. I laid down and rested my head on Ash's lap. Soon enough, sleep consumed me.


"Carolyn. Carolyn wake up." Ash said.

I slowly opened my eyes and slowly sat up. A nurse was making her way over to us.

"Are you all here for Jeremy Ferguson?" We all nodded our heads. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but, he didn't make it."


I woke up screaming and someone's arms wrapped around me.

"Hey. It's alright. There's nothing to be scared of. It was just a bad dream."

That wasn't Jeremy. So that means we were still at the hospital, and he really was shot. Ash was trying his best to comfort me. So that means, Jeremy's still in surgery, but he's not dead.

"You okay?" Ash asked.

I noticed the rest of the guys were looking at me with concern. I managed to calm down enough to nod my head. I looked over at the clock to see it was a little after four in the morning. How long can this surgery take! Just then, the door opened and a nurse walked in. She made our way over to us and smiled.

"Are you here for Jeremy Ferguson?" She asked.

We nodded and she continued to smile. "I'm happy to inform you that the operation was a success. But because of the location of the bullet, we had to cut out a small portion of his left lung out. Just a very small portion."

"Will he be able to perform again?" Jake asked.

"As long as he is able to be up and moving within seventy-two hours after he wakes up, then he should have a speedy recovery and be back to his old self."

"Can we see him?" I asked.

She nodded her head. "Follow me. He might still be asleep, and we normally allow only two or three at a time, but in your case, I'll allow you all to visit him."

We all stood up and followed the nurse to Jeremy's room. She stopped us in front of a door and opened it.

"Right through here." She said.

We all made our way into the room and saw a horrific sight. Machines were hooked up to Jeremy, and tubes and needles were everywhere. I practically ran over and sat down in the chair next to his bed and grabbed a hold of his right hand. I brushed away a loose strand of hair and lightly kissed his forehead. I felt his hand twitch a little, and I knew that he should be waking up any minute now. His eyes slowly fluttered open but he squinted a little due to the light being to bright.

"Andy, turn the light off." I whispered to him.

Andy shut the light off and the lamp on the other side of the room dimly lit up most of the room. Jeremy quietly groaned and managed to re-open his eyes.

"Hi Jeremy. " I whispered to him, running my fingers through his hair.

"I-is the baby O-ka-"

"Shh. The guys are here. And we haven't told them yet. Remember?"

"Wait. Baby?" Andy said.

"Carolyn, are you pregnant?" Ash said.

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