The Concert

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Luke's POV
I climbed up on stage and the crowd went crazy! I looked out there and took a deep breath.
I skipped to the front of the stage and clapped. "Here we go Atlanta!" I yelled out to the crowd. I looked in the pit and saw Emily smiling at me. I reached down and grabbed her hand. All the other girls grabbed my arm but I ignored them. I jumped back up and yelled, "There's my little girl friend!"
Everybody started looking around and I pulled Emily up on the stage. Another smile covered her face. "Here you go." She said, taking my hat off and giving it back to me. "No, you keep it baby girl." I said into the microphone. I got down on my knees again and started dancing with her. I let her sing a few words into the microphone and she was basically the star of the night. When she started getting worn out from running around the stage I set her back down with her daddy. "Who wants up next?!" I said out to the crowd. I pointed down at a little boy who was dancing his heart out. His mama handed him to me and I pulled him up. "Can you dance?" I asked. He nodded his head. "What's your name." I asked again. "My name is Andrew and I'm four years old!" He said into the microphone, while holding four fingers up. "Let me see you dance then." I said and he smiled. He jumped out of my arms and started dancing. He jumped around everywhere and the crowd went crazy! "No, boy, you gotta dance like this." I said, showing him how I dance. I got down on both knees and shook my hips. The boy did the same thing except he was standing up so it made it way more adorable! "Get it boy!" I yelled out and laughed. He stopped dancing and sang one song with me. I got a picture with him for his mama and put him back down into the crowd. I sang a few more songs and ran around on stage. I walked to the end, trying to catch my breath and I felt my foot slip. -Uh oh - is the only thing I could think of when that happened and I fell off stage. My fans caught me and started moving me again. "Put me back! Put me back!" I yelled, trying to be funny and they did. After they brought me back all the way to the back. I jumped back on stage and grabbed my butt. "Woah there! Watch it. " I laughed as a pointed to a teenage girl who was laughing so hard.
I preformed my last song and walked off the side of the stage while waving bye to my fans. I heard some yell out, "Come back!" ,But I knew I had to leave.

Tonight was so fun!

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