Muckalee Creek

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Luke and Amber walk down the woods to Muckalee Creek and see someone down in the woods. Luke turns to Amber and whispers "Stay behind this tree! That's Austin and he's about to break your bike." Amber watched as Luke climbs into a tree without the boys noticing and firing another rock into a boy's shoulder. "Look it's that stupid kid again!" Yelled Austin. "Get him!" The boys try climbing the tree but Luke's firing to fast. Amber is still behind the tree trying not to laugh.
Suddenly Luke's foot slips and he falls to the ground. Amber watches in horror as the boys hit Luke with rocks and sticks. She decided to pick up a stick and throw it at Austin hard enough to make him dizzy. Austin and his friends run off. Amber goes to check on Luke and notices a puddle of blood beside him. She grabs his hand and asks "Luke are you okay?!" He groaned in pain. Amber remembered the way back to Luke's house and grabbed Mrs.LeClaire and Mr. Tommy. She tells them what happened and they run to find Luke but discover him gone. They shout his name and followed the blood trail. Amber suddenly realized that he had went to get her bike. Mr. Tommy runs for Luke but they can't find him. "Sounds like I oughta have a little talk with Austin's parents" says Mr. Tommy angrily.
A few more minutes later they hear shouting and crashing. Tommy runs to check it out and found Austin pinned down by Luke in a choke hold. Luke gets up while Austin lays there trying to catch his breath. "I swear Mr. Tommy! Luke tried to take that little girl's bike and was hurting her so I stepped in and helped." Luke looks at him in disbelief. "What?! No I didn't! You were the one who-" Luke gets cut off by his father. "I've heard enough! Both of you just keep your mouths shut"
Luke heads home with his head down in shame with Amber right beside him. "I know what happened Luke, and I will make sure your daddy knows too." says Amber. "Thanks Amber" Luke responds. "No problem... That's what friends are for. Right?" Giggles Amber. "Yeah.. I guess we are friends" says Luke as he lightly punches her arm.
As they are heading home they see a frog jump into the creek. Luke chases it down and Amber helps. "Grab him!" Yells Luke. Amber reaches down and grabs the bull frog and holds on to him like a pro. "Wow Amber! Your not scared of frogs?" Luke asks astonishingly. "Nope! I've got four other brother back at daddy's and they taught me how to bait crawfish baskets and how to catch frogs!" Amber replies.
They head home skipping rocks on the way. "Hey wanna come over tomorrow for lunch?" Luke asks. "Sure! I will tell my daddy"

Please leave comments and tell me how u like it :) plenty more coming!

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