4 Months Along

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Luke's POV
It was December and we were headed to the doctor for Amber. She didn't wanna know the gender but I did! I'm not a very patient person, but if she wants to wait then I'll wait.
We got there and they did the ultrasound. The doctor turned to me and said, "I can't tell you the gender but I can tell you that the babies are healthy."
"Oh thank God!!" I said then I realized what he said. "Wait... What?! Babies? With an ies on the end?!"
The doctor nodded. "Yes sir, you're having twins." He said. Amber looked at me and half smiled. I said, "This is great!! The more the merrier.. Right?"
She laughed and agreed.

5 more months later

Luke's POV
I was picking up some pizza for Amber because of her weird cravings. I got it and headed home when I got a call.
"Hello?" I answered. "Luke? Is this you?" I heard Lexi ask. "Uhh yeah. Why are you calling me ?" I asked back. "We have a little issue. Amber is here and her water just broke." She said. "What?! Oh no no no! I'm not ready! Tell her to keep it in!!!" I panicked. Lexi laughed and said, "I can't do that! Just hurry!"
I hung up and left the pizza there. I got in my truck and took off at about 80 miles per hour. I passed all the people on the highway and I could see them looking at me like I was crazy! I didn't care! I had to get home now! I hit 90 miles per hour and finally got home. I ran inside and saw her laying down. I called the hospital and told them that we were coming. I picked up Amber and carried her outside to my truck and laid her down in the back. Lexi got in with me. We didn't say a word and the hospital was far away. My hands were sweating and there was sweat dripping from my face as I gripped the wheel. I felt like I was about to cry but I didn't. I thought I was gonna pass out but I kept myself together until we got there.
I ran inside with Amber in my arms and they put her on a hospital bed. I ran with her into the room and stayed by her side while they did everything.
I heard the nurse yell, "The babies are coming!!"
I got up and ran to Amber's side and grabbed her hand while she had contractions. I bit my lip in pain because she squeezed my hand really tight. I tried my hardest to look away. When I turned my head I saw the baby. I felt myself get weak and before I knew it I was out. I woke up about five minutes later in the hospital chair and I saw her. My baby. The doctors gave her to me and I couldn't help but cry. Then I heard the nurse say,"Here comes the other one!" I held the baby very close to me and never wanted to let her go. "My little Sadie Grace!" I whispered to her as she opened her eyes and looked into mine.
A baby boy was the other one. Amber named him Thomas after me. Their full names were Sadie Grace and Thomas Luther Bryan Jr.
I was sitting beside Amber while she was holding both of them. Mama, Daddy, and Amber's dad came in to see them. Mama's eyes filled with tears and daddy rocked Sadie back and forth.
"This is the second best day of my life!" I said to Amber. "Really? What's the first?" She asked. I looked at her and brushed her hair back. "Meeting you.." I said and she smiled. Amber's dad was talking to her while they were both holding a baby. I loved them so much!
I can't wait to take them home.

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