He's Back

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Amber's Pov:

I woke up and it was dark. I was cold and hungry. I looked down and I could tell I was naked. I tried to move my arms and legs but they were tied to the bed frame. Did Luke and I have rough sex last night? I looked over and I didn't see anyone next to me and matter of fact I didn't see anymore bed to my left or right which meant I was on a twin bed and it sure wasn't mine. I tried to scream for Luke or help but something covered my mouth. A lot of thoughts began you go threw my head, this isn't our bed it's not even the size of the twins beds, was I kidnapped, did he rape me, what the fuck is going on? All my questions were answered when someone came in the room. I couldn't see there face because it was still dark. He turned on the light switch and I instantly closed my eyes because it blinded me. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was handcuffed to the bed, I was naked and I had duct tape covering my mouth. I looked over to the person and saw that it was the guy from the bar. "Hey, you don't remember me do you," he questioned while he ripped the duct tape off of my mouth. "Yeah your that asshole from the bar," I spat out. Apparently he didn't like that answer and next thing I knew my cheek stung. "Yep, but you don't remember who I am," he asked again. "Um, no, should I know you," I asked. "Hell yeah you should," he answered. He walked over to a dresser and was looking threw it. "Here this might solve your question," he asked while holding up a dog collar. I looked at it and realized that it was Bandit's collar. "I know what that is," I told him. "Yep it's Bandit's collar," he said with a grin. That's when everything came to me. I looked around the room and knew where I was and who this person is. It's Austin from mine and Luke's childhood.

Luke's Pov: 

"Come on Randa you have to remember something about that guy," I said. "I don't Luke, I'm sorry I was drunk," Randa said with a tear falling. Right now Blake and Randa were over and the police. We were trying to get information on this guy from the bar. I dropped to my knees in front of Randa and I looked up at her. "Please Randa you have to remember," I told her as I started to cry. She sat there for a while like she was trying to remember.

Miranda's Pov:

Luke was trying to get me to remember the guy from the bar. I sat there while Luke was on his knees looking up at me. I tried to remember. I was thinking and thinking but nothing. "I-I don't know," I told Luke. Blake looked over to me and placed his hand under my chin. He turned my head to him and started to talk to me. "Randa I know you can remember. Please just try baby," he told me. "Okay, hold on," I said as I stood up. "I need to go to the bathroom," I told them while walking upstairs. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I could hear them talking downstairs but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I stared at myself in the mirror for a while and that's when it all came back too me. I ran downstairs shouting "I remember, I remember." When I reached the bottom of the steps everyone was staring at me. "What do you remember," Luke asked. "I remember.....

Author's Note

Another cliffhanger what?! Don't worry I will most likely update tonight. 

What do you think Randa remembers? 

Do you think they will find Amber? 

Did y'all think it would be Austin?

Bye Y'all -Trinity

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