Trapped by a Mule

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Luke's POV
It was already August and we've had Cactus for about a week now. I could tell that Amber wanted to break her. "Well, here we go." I heard her say. "What?" I asked. She smirked and went to the pasture with a halter. "Uh oh.. This isn't gonna be good." I mumbled to myself following her. Amber led Cactus into the round pen and brushed her down. Cactus was calm and didn't budge. I got on the gait to watch and Amber swung her leg over Cactus. Cactus's eyes got big and she started breathing heavily but Amber calmed her down. Then Amber took it to the next level. My hands were sweating because I didn't want her to get hurt. She made Cactus walk in a circle and I think I was more nervous than Cactus was. Both of the twins were sitting on a blanket behind me.
I calmed down because Cactus didn't look like she was gonna do anything.
Amber got off and led Cactus back towards the pasture and let her go.
We picked up both of the babies and walked back inside. "You don't realize how nervous I was about that." I turned to Amber and said. She laughed.
"What's for supper?" She asked walking into the kitchen. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "How about some Mexican?"
Amber smiled and threw me the keys.
Amber's POV
I was waiting on Luke to come back with the food and I looked out the window to see some kids at the barn. They were throwing rocks at the animals and Red was inside so she couldn't do anything. Then I saw Molly start running towards them with her ears pinned back. "Uh oh." I mumbled to myself. The boys ran and climbed the gate to the round pen. Luke pulled up and saw three terrified boys trapped by a mule. He just laughed and walked out there. Molly trotted to him watching the boys the whole entire time. I couldn't help but laugh at how she made sure they stayed in the middle of it. It was like jail for them. "Well boys, what should I do?" Luke asked. The boys shrugged their shoulders and said, "Uhh I dunno."
Luke patted Molly and said, "I'll let you go with a warning just this one time! But if you come back and do this again then I will let her keep you in that pen."
Luke tied Molly to a tree and opened the gate for the boys. He stopped one and half smiled at him. "You remind me of one of my old friends. We fought and shot rocks at each other. We weren't really friends. Ever since I beat the crap out of that boy he never came back to fight again." Luke got down to his level. The boy didn't know what to do. So he just asked questions. "How old were y'all?" Luke laughed. "Well, the last time we saw each other is when I was 11 and he was 13. That is when he actually beat me up and my dog came to the rescue.

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