Last Spring Break

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(Time skip... 2 & 1/2 years later)

Luke's Pov: 

Today is my last spring break shows. I've had 6 spring breaks and today is my 7th and last. Over these few years my career sky rocketed and I've won entertainer of the year 2 times. It was a struggle getting back on my feet after the shark attack but to this day I'm still not fully recovered. When I move my leg wrong sometimes a pain shoots up my leg. My doctor told me this would happen so I avoid moving it wrong but sometimes I still do and when I do I always end up sitting down from the pain. Then most of the time if I'm at a concert I preform on a stool. I recently took Til in and the twins love him. They are now 4 years old! Wow time passes. Right now I'm in my dressing room waiting to preforming. I'm going to miss spring break but hopefully one of the twins go towards music or both of them. Sadie can sing amazing but she's too shy to preform with me, I'm going to try to get her to sing with me today. Beau seems to like music and I've heard him sing in the shower a couple of times and he's pretty good but he seems to like animals better. Maybe he will become a vet or a bull rider or something. I remember on their first birthday when I got him my old bull rider outfit. He was so cute and he still goes up the the animals and rides them around. I look at the time and I have 5 minutes till I start. I walk up on the beach and see thousands of people. I go up on the stage and welcome everyone. "Hey Panama how are y'all doing today?" I yelled into the mic. They start to scream and I start my first song, My Ol Bronco. As I was singing I was interacting with the crowed by throwing beers and high-fiving people. When I was done with the song I opened a beer and chugged half and poured the other half onto the crowed then threw the can. "Who wants a beer," I asked as I pointed to people. "Alright you," I said as I picked up a beer. I threw the beer to him and he missed it. "What the fuck you just wasted a beer," I said. The crowed screamed and I picked another one up. "Ok lets try again," I said. I threw it to him and he caught it. I picked up another and threw it and then two girls were fighting over it. "Hey now! We're not going to have any fighting here," I said. They stopped and I started to sing threw the songs on my albums. After I finished Like We Aint Ever I started to sing a cover of turn down for what. Amber was on stage and we were dancing. After that I sang my last two songs on my album then I was going to sing with Sadie. "Ok y'all I want to have someone special sing with me. Sadie hun, will you sing with me," I asked her while looking at her. She hesitated but finally came on stage receiving awws from the audience. She was wearing her cowboy hat and boots and she looked adorable. "What do you want to sing baby girl," I asked her as I crouched down to here level. "Um... can I sing a song by myself," she asked. "Sure but don't you wanna sing one with your pops first," I asked."Yeah," she replied. "Ok do you wanna sing Picture," I asked her. She nodded then the music to Picture by Kid Rock ft Sheryl Crow came on. "Living my life in a slow hell Different girl every night at the hotel I ain't seen the sunshine in three damn days Been fuelling up on cocaine and whisky Wish I had a good girl to miss me Oh Lord I wonder if I'll ever change my ways," I sang as I let the crowed sing the chorus. Sadie started and she sounded amazing. "called you last night in the hotel Everyone knows but they won't tell But their half-hearted smiles tell me something just ain't right I've been waiting on you for a long time Fueling up on heartaches and cheap wine I ain't heard from you in three dang nights," she sang perfectly. We sang the chorus together and the song ended short. "Ok what do you wanna sing," I asked. She whispered in my ear and the music to Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood started to play. "Right now he's probably slow dancing with a bleached-blond tramp, And she's probably getting frisky... Right now, he's probably buying her some fruity little drink 'Cause she can't shoot whiskey... Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool stick, Showing her how to shoot a combo...," Sadie sang with a voice of an angel and then she sang the rest of the song. The crowed went wild and I walked over to Beau and asked him if he wanted to sing but he said no so we ended the show after I sang a couple more songs. Then we went home to the beach house and said goodbye to spring break.

Hey y'all I hate to see this as the end but it has to end somewhere.

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