7. Good Cop

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I stare at the screen of my laptop unblinkingly.

The dry jokes and the pointed camera zooms pass by without a single laugh from me as I lay sprawled out on my bed. It seems like even a show as great as The Office can't make me any less gloomy.

"You look disgusting, Jaya."

I ignore my roommate and keep my eyes on the screen, sliding my blanket with little paintbrushes designed on it up until only my eyes are visible.

The plushy thing is corny as hell but was a gift from my brother therefore is my favorite thing ever.

"Jaya." My annoying roommate pulls my soft, comfy blanket down. "Get the hell up." She slaps my arm for good measure. "Go take a shower, put on some makeup, then put on something sexy. We're going out."

I don't move my eyes away from the action on the screen. Michael Scott yells out something that's probably hilarious, but I can't find the heart to even crack a smile.

"It's the middle of the week, Hannah. We're not going out." My reply is mumbled at best, but she hears me.

"Neither of us has class tomorrow morning. We can stay out late and still wake up by the afternoon." She slaps my face softly until my eyes drift to her towel-clad form. "It's Thursday evening and we're young, hot, and free. Let's go have some fun, girl!"

I'm about to shake my head once again to deny whatever notion she has of what will be happening tonight, but before I can even open my mouth, my laptop is snatched from my bed and I find myself being pushed to the floor.

For her size, Hannah is pretty damn strong.

"Fuck." I raise myself from the floor until I'm standing in front of her in all my ratty sweatpants and hole-filled sweater glory. "Do you drink a gallon of milk per day or something? How are you so damn strong?"

She rolls her eyes and sets down my laptop on my desk parallel to my bed. "Weight training, baby."

I rub my arm thoughtfully. "Ah, gym stuff. Nice."

She's darting around the room, grabbing things as she moves from one corner to the other. "Here's your shower caddy, towel, and flip flops." The listed objects are pushed into my arms with unnecessary force.

"Now, go scrub the grease off your body while I pick out your outfit." Next, my entire body is being pushed right out of the room.

Before closing the door right in my face, Hannah gives me an encouraging smile. It screams 'you got this, girl' and it's just the last proverbial kick in the balls I need to start hustling toward the bathroom.

The hallway is empty as it always is in the evenings as college students finish working on their assignments, go to bed early, or even head out for a night of fun. Monroe Hall is a co-ed dorm, though some floors are gendered.

Hannah and I picked the second floor, a girls' floor because we knew we would feel more comfortable coming back from the bathroom only in a towel if we'd only have to potentially run into girls as opposed to guys.

I'm turning a corner, my eyes set on one of the single bathrooms that I'm hoping will be free, when a familiar voice startles me.

"You're a difficult girl to find these days, Jaya."

I stop in my tracks, my eyes moving toward the open lounge area by the elevators where a surprise guest sits.

"Mav? What are you doing here?" I inch closer to him, having a clear idea of why he's here. His use of my given name makes me cringe a bit.

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