30. Keeper Of Promises

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The hardwood floor hurts my knees.

I squirm in place, attempting to adjust my locked joints and make myself more comfortable to no avail. I read once somewhere that when one of our senses-such as sight-is lost, our other senses may be heightened.

From current experience, I know this is true for me.

Something rattles against the window, a bird, a tree branch, or the wind, I'm not entirely sure since I can't see, but I almost fall on my face.

The urge to take off the blindfold and use it to strangle Finley is so strong that I can feel it eating me from the inside out. I smile to myself while envisioning his reaction if I were to throw the door open, march down the hall, and throw his stupid blindfold in his face.

Given his current . . . state of mind, he'd probably snap and drag me back to his room, but the tantrum would be worth it to see the anger surmount in his face.

The smile drops from my face when I hear his light footfalls moving around the living room. I'm not fully sure what he's doing, but the expectation and unknown cause a full-body shiver to shake through my body.

Naked, blindfolded, and scared-that's my current state. And yet, core clenches disobediently, refusing to find an issue with my current demeaning state.

Finley's footfalls draw nearer, unhurried and firm, yet I know that the man is bustling with rage since catching me with Alex at the coffee shop.

I could tell by the way he drove to his apartment on the way from the cafe, his gaze hard and his jaw clenched. He was gripping the wheel with such restrained force that his knuckles turned white.

"I-I'm sorry," I'd tried to ease the tension in the car, fearing that we would crash otherwise. "Finley, our mothers put us up to it, really. I can't say no to her, she wouldn't-"

"Stop talking," he interrupted me rudely, making a rather sharp turn.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I glared at his profile. "You don't have to be rude-"

"Stop. Talking."

His words had pissed me off so much that I'd groaned and began laying it on him, "You're so rude, you know that? You can't even let me explain and instead, you resort to just bossing me around and being a fucking asshole."

He had only gritted his teeth at my rant, so I was ready to go off once more and complain about his behavior when his dark gaze shifted to me and halted me in place.

"Open that pretty mouth of yours one more time, Jaya, and I promise I'm stuffing it with my cock and fucking it until you're begging for air."

Promptly, I shut the hell up.

I kept quiet as he dragged me through the apartment, kept quiet as he ordered me to take off my clothes and stared at my body with warring emotions, and kept quiet when he instructed me to kneel on the cold hardwood.

I even kept quiet when he procured a dark fabric from his drawer and tied it around my eyes.

But after being left to seat on my heels for more than ten minutes, I don't feel like being so quiet anymore. With my knees weary, my skin prickling, and my pussy wet and aching, I want to claw at him as he finally pushes the door open.

I turn my head in his direction as if I can see him and scowl. "What the fuck have you been doing? You just left me here and for what?"

He doesn't say anything but I feel his heated gaze on me, taking in my naked body, possessing me without even laying a finger on me.

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