26. The Greek Games

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"Why the hell would faculty be here?!" Hannah hisses close to my ear, her hands gripping my bare arm tightly.

Looking to my left, I spot Dr. Truman and wave at him with a smile and he waves back, his eyes drifting to Hannah and settling on her for a second before looking away.

She slaps my arm and chastises me. "Why would you wave at him? He's getting attention from enough students already."

Though she's not wrong, there is a flock of students around the professor, I ignore her words and nudge her.

"They opened the events to professors and admin, too. He's not the only one here. Plus, he's a great professor."

She grumbles to herself, something about torture and being unable to drop his damn class. Thankfully, someone finally gets on stage and the auditorium filled with both students and faculty quiets down.

A blonde girl wearing a pink Delta Zeta Psi T-shirt steps on the stage with a guy with floppy brown hair who wears the dark blue Delta Zeta Nu shirt.

"Hello, everyone! We're so glad you're here for the first day of The Greek Games!" We all applaud and hollers ring out.

We're in the Smith Ballet Center auditorium where our performing arts students showcase their elaborate recitals, but today will serve as breeding grounds for probably the worst performances of the century.

"Since it's our very first day, we thought we'd start with a bang!" the guy yells, getting the crowd riled up once more.

The auditorium is quite large but the turnout is huge, with people spilling out of the doors. Everyone showed up for the mess and I'm very much here for it.

This is just the distraction I've needed all week. Between applying for Emphasized and successfully avoiding Fin, it's been a lot going on here.

"Today The Games are centered around the performing arts!" the girl explains with a smile. "Of course, everyone performing tonight in this particular challenge is an amateur in the field."

"Which is what makes it so fucking funny," the guy interjects with a grin, and we all laugh.

"Exactly!" The girl laughs. "All we ask is that at the very end, please make sure to vote for who you think the winner was in the challenge by simply scanning the link that will pop up on the screen."

"Today, we're starting with the Music Challenge! From rapping to singing, from beatboxing to harmonizing, the Music Challenge is certain to get you up and dancing to our performers' original work!"

"And without any further ado, since we know you're growing tired of us, please put your hands together as our first performer, Maverick Hoover, makes his way to the stage!"

I'm surprised that he's going first, but I clap and holler all the same, really excited to see what the guy has up his sleeves. He's been very secretive all week, refusing to rap for me, so I'm dying to see what he's been prepping.

As soon as he runs out onto the stage, Hannah and I look at each other before falling out laughing along with others in the crowd.

"Oh, hell nah!" Hannah belts out in distaste, unable to stop laughing. "What is the guy wearing?"

"I don't know!" I can't stop laughing, my eyes watering as I take in his entire get-up.

The largest jeans I've ever seen in my life, at least five thick gold chains, a white bucket hat, and a black shirt that somehow manages to drown his large frame.

He's the poster child of the stereotypical rapper and I've never found anything so hysterical. The funniest part? The guy seems unaware of how silly he looks.

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