9. Crawl

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There are certain things that I've tried to avoid repeating. Actions that I've sworn to never allow again.

For one, I won't ever be caught dead getting a relaxer again. Nothing against the white chemicals, hell, for a long time in my life I even loved that creamy crack and swore by it if used correctly.

But since the summer and the Great Burn which shall not ever be spoken about, I cut my hair and I slowly began converting.

More seriously, I won't ever spiral down so much as to hurt my brother's emotions, making him cry as mom and I yell at each other enough to alarm the whole neighborhood.

I also promised myself that I wouldn't find myself in this position ever again. That I wouldn't give up control, not to Finley and not to anyone else. I said I would never succumb to these base desires, that I would remove myself from the situation before it got to that.

"On your knees."

But with three little words, I find myself back in that place I said I wouldn't ever go back to. I never was so good at keeping my own promises.

The door shuts with a sound that causes goosebumps to break out all over my heated skin. My bare knees on the cold floor are the only source of cool that I feel. Everything else, including the entire room, is heated with anticipation.

And coated with an undeniable weight of toe-curling, sizzling lust. The type of lust that causes me to squirm in place as I sit on my heels. My breasts feel heavy and painful, and my nipples harden.

"You've managed to piss me off, Jaya." His back is still turned to me as he speaks in that low, menacing voice of his. "You've really, really angered me."

His arms are braced on the shut door as he attempts to contain his obvious frustration while I just kneel obediently in the middle of the strange room. Begrudgingly and with a racing heart, I take in his handsome form.

As always, he looks meticulously put together and effortlessly classy that it's such an incredible sight to see all that rage rolling off of him. He doesn't want to be so ruffled, doesn't want to need this, but he still can't help himself.

He and I are the same in that regard, I notice. Right here, on my knees for a man that wants to invade every aspect of my life, I don't want to feel my core pooling. Don't want to feel the pull of the cord that connects us. The same cord I thought I cut myself away from.

"Take it off." He's still facing the door, his strong arms braced on it, muscles rippling.

The sight of tiny black ink piques my curiosity and, despite my increasing nervousness, I strain my eyes to catch more of the ink on his taut upper triceps slightly hidden by the sleeve of his T-shirt. I'm too far though, so I can't see whatever's there.

I know it wasn't there the last time I saw him, it must be a fairly new addition.

When he finally turns around, I flinch at the furious look in his eyes. "You seem to believe that this is a joke, Jaya."

Suddenly my dress feels tighter on me than it already is. I know I should have thrown the thing away last month when I realized it fit a bit too snugly, but couldn't bring myself to toss the thing even if it bared a little too much thigh and hugged my breasts a little too much.

"Take it off," he repeats with a type of tone that allows for no argument. "If I have to repeat myself one more time, you won't be seeing the light of day anytime soon."

Languidly, I peel off my dark dress, my eyes drifting to the lone bed sitting in the center of the room. The sheets are a dark red that speaks of power and passion and the headboard is a deep brown.

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