10. Masterpiece

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On my hands and knees, I crawl the stretch of space between us, my skin crackling with anticipation. If he doesn't touch me right now, I swear I won't survive it.

"Eyes on me now, Jaya." His voice is a low murmur that halts my movements. "Look up as you come to me."

I comply readily, my head tilting up so that our eyes are locked. He can probably see the lust that courses through my pores, and in turn, I can see the overwhelming weight of his fixation.

You're everywhere, Jaya. You're everywhere to the point that I can't even close my eyes without seeing you.

I remember those words from a year ago, the sincerity of them, the way they rested heavily on my frail heart. Those are the same words I can feel echoed in the room right now. He's not saying them, but I can feel them.

In the next second, I'm seated on my heels right in front of his relaxed form. For the longest moment, he doesn't say anything, just watches me as if he could do it all day.

After another tense second, he cups my cheek and looks down at me. "I don't have all I need to take care of you right now, Jaya. I can't tie you down and blindfold you the way you like and fuck the insolence out of you."

I bite the insides of my cheek so hard that I'm surprised that I don't draw any blood. I'm trying not to squirm at the chaos in my core.

"So what should I do with you, my sweet girl?" he asks me tauntingly. "Perhaps we should just wait until I'm better prepared?"

I shake my head fervently.

"No?" There's an undeniable glint in his eyes, and with annoyance, I realize he's enjoying this. "We shouldn't postpone this?"

Again, I shake my head no. Not that he can't see just how bad I need this, but this is just part of his stupid game to punish me. A game I'm playing right into.

"So tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Just . . . touch me."

"I should touch you?" He raises an eyebrow in question and inclines his head like the notion is foreign to him.

I nod enthusiastically. "Please. Please, I need it."

Oh, hell no. I did not just beg him. Jaya, you dumb, pathetic girl.

"Mm," he hums softly, "I suppose I could touch you since you asked so nicely."

His hand leaves my cheek and I whimper in desperation, glaring at the smirk that grows on his handsome face. He stands up and pats my cheek while I keep giving him the death glare.

"There, there, sweetheart. No worries, we're not done here." He moves to stand at the side of the bed, sticking his hands in his pockets. "On the bed."

He doesn't have to tell me twice, I'm on the bed in the next second.

"Ass in the air, arms stretched above you and down on the bed." I hear him walking around the bed as I follow every command. There's a low sound of a zipper and I almost drool in expectation. I want to see him, but I know I'm here to follow his rules.

I don't doubt that if I truly wanted to leave, if he could see that a part of me didn't want this, he would let me go. But that's the problem. Finley Barton sees me so well, he knows that I want this.

I'm completely exposed to him. My most private places are visible and there for the taking, but the vulnerability is exactly part of the reason I'm so wet.

"What a masterpiece you are, my little artist." The sound of his hand fisting his dick, stroking and pumping it while he looks at me, is enough to draw a needy moan out of me.

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