13. Saturdays Suck

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What do you call a day that starts badly, continues badly, and will undoubtedly end even worse?

A day that should have been spent in bed, that's what it's called.

Alas, that's not what I did today. I did not spend my Saturday in bed. Instead, I got up this morning-with an incessant headache-took a cold shower, then dressed in my most comfortable outfit.

That doesn't sound too bad, but halfway through my shower, I realized that my bonnet had slipped off in the middle of the night and thus I was drenching the better part of my braids.

So my morning didn't start on a great note, and after a failed attempt at meditating, my mood plummeted by the time I left Monroe Hall.

At the moment, as I slowly make my to Quaint for my afternoon shift after trying to eat some brunch at the cafeteria and not finding any appetite, I pray that my work shift will be quiet and stress-free.

As soon as I enter the antique store, I know that won't be the case.

"I asked for it to be reserved! How could you sell it to someone else?!"

And here we go. White woman yelling in a place of business, just what I needed today.

Good old Tim stares at the short blonde lady with an indifferent expression, merely shrugging at her breakdown. With a wince, I hastily make my way toward them before he can make things worse for all of us.

"I already told you it's sold, lady. Nothing much I can do." Unbothered by her fuming red face, he picks up his phone and starts typing right in front of her.

Oh, Timothy.

"Dear Heavens, you're a very rude young man!" the woman sputters, clearly taken aback by his careless behavior. "I want to speak to the manager right this instant!"

I make my way behind the counter just as Tim notices me, nods at me in greeting then ignores the lady to head to the back and go sext his girlfriend in peace.

"Hello, ma'am." I smile brightly at the woman as she keeps watching him go with a gaping mouth. "How may I help you today?"

"T-That . . . that little menace! He just ignored me! That little pest! What a little chicken!"

I raise my brows at what she believes are insults. Little chicken? Is that the best she can do?

"Is there anything I can help you with that Timothy couldn't do?" I ask again, already growing irritated with the lady despite my soft voice and helpful smile.

Looking at me rudely, she nods. "Yes, there is."

"And what would that be, ma'am?"

"I came in earlier and asked that Tim character to make sure to keep a specific set of beautiful plates for me. So when I came back later in the day, I could purchase them."

I nod in encouragement when she takes a break and crosses her arms, probably growing furious all over again just thinking about my coworker's negligent behavior.

"Well, I've come back and he tells me that the beautiful plates have been purchased by someone else! The plates that I asked to be reserved for me!"

Oh, Tim. You foolish, foolish boy.

"Ma'am, I am extremely sor-"

"That's Mrs. Prichard to you, young lady," she lets me know prickly.

"Yes, of course," I reply extra sweetly. "Mrs. Prichard, on behalf of Quaint, I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience."

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