12. Girl Talk

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"Something about a man with long hair doesn't sit right with me. Like, bruh, how are you gonna have longer hair than me?!"

I shake my head at my friend Rochelle's dramatic tone. The girl has always and will forever be the very definition of doing too much. And honestly, that's one of the things we love about her.

"Yeah, I don't disagree with that," my other friend Seraphina adds sheepishly. "Not because their hair is longer than mine but because shorter hair on men just looks better."

Ro bounces excitedly and points at the camera of her laptop as if she's pointing at Sera. "Big dick energy! That's what I'm saying!"

Sera grimaces and probably lowers the volume on her device before looking behind her. "That's not really what I was saying, but sure," she whispers back, glancing behind her one more time.

With a smirk, Amara leans forward and tells her, "No worries, girl. We'll let you know if we see him lurking behind you."

Huffing softly, Sera rolls her eyes at our chuckles. "It's not funny, y'all. I swear this man stays on my back."

"At least you have a man, Sera," Ro grumbles. "Some of us-Jaya and I-have to suffer cuffing season in loneliness."

I scowl at Ro through my screen, wishing our talk was not virtual so I could pinch her arm for declaring me lonely.

"Hey! I'm not lonely!" I exclaim boldly, sitting up on my bed and cleaning off some excess Cheeto dust from my sweater.

"And Aristide is not my man!" Seraphina hisses lowly. "We're just friends!"

We all just stare blankly at her, knowing damn well that the girl is lying to herself. As if to confirm our silent claims, the man who isn't her boyfriend, strides inside her room without knocking.

I watch my screen attentively as Aristide looks at Sera's screen with a glare, then when he notices it's just us, his expression eases slightly and he nods at us silently.

"Here's some fruit, mia cara," he murmurs to Sera, dropping a bowl of what looks like mixed fruit on her desk. "You need calculus help later?"

Amara, Rochelle, and I are silent as we watch our friend shake her head lightly at him, clearly embarrassed by the fact that we're all watching their cute domestic display like hawks.

"Make sure not to stay on too late, mia cara. You have class early tomorrow." He brushes her cheek tenderly with a stern look.

She smiles sweetly at him. "Will do. Thanks for the snack."

Aristide nods at us one more time then reluctantly makes his way out of the room, pointedly leaving the door open an inch.

"Holy fucking hotness!" Ro fans herself, dropping back unto her bed so we can't see her anymore. "Daddy Aristide is fine!"

Sera sucks her teeth and stuffs a piece of pineapple from the bowl Aristide brought her. "Quiet, Ro. Don't call him that! All of y'all actually, not one word."

Amara raises her arms in defense, holding back a grin. "No need to get your bonnet in a twist, sis. We won't tease you about it."

Ro raises her head from her messy bed with a devilish smirk. "Hold up a second! I'll tease you about it. Those other bitches are punks but not me."

"Rochelle." I cross my arms and give her a look. "Let's leave the girl alone."

Sera gives me a grateful smile which I return. I'm probably the queen of evasion and keeping secrets, so I can understand not wanting to divulge all your private matters.

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