48. Cafeteria Conversations

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Muller University's cafeteria is not a stereotypical blend of overworked cooks and repetitive meals.

Quite the opposite, it seems that a massive chunk of the institution's endowment fund must go to the dining services given the quality and variety of the food that we're served.

Still, it goes without saying that I've been spoiled the past month.

Fin being Fin, his tendency to be good at everything extends also to his cooking skills, so although our cafeteria's attempt at making oven-baked salmon isn't too bad, when it is compared to Fin's dish, I can't help but grimace.

"Bad fish?"

I look up at the question, my eyes widening in surprise when I see who's standing right in front of my table with a plate in his hands.


He grins and nods. "In the flesh. Missed me?"

I haven't talked to this man for almost a month now because, even though we share a class, he's been just as busy as I have.

We've texted casually as one does with those cousins who you always have fun with when you hang out with them, but due to the distance don't see too often to truly know them.

Thanks to our casual texting I know that he's done with his submission for Emphasized and is ready for the showcase next week, and he knows that I'm still scrambling to finish my piece before the deadline.

I also know that he lowkey hates his new frat brothers but won't leave because the parties are worth it, and he knows that Fin and I are finally dating.

Still, I haven't spoken to him face-to-face in what feels like years, and there's only so much that can be said through texts, so I urge him to take a seat across from me.

"Feels like we haven't spoken in months, huh?" He sets his plate stacked with pizzas on the table. "How's life treating ya, Brocs?"

"Life is good." I use my fork to play with the salmon, abusing the poor fish instead of eating it.

"Only good? I saw you went to Miami this past weekend." He picks up the cheesiest slice of pizza I've ever seen and takes a huge bite of it. "Looked really fun."

"Yeah, it was." It was also frustrating as hell because Fin is too hard-headed for his good, but sure, fun also works.

He stares at me for a second, his eyes taking me in from my recently braid-less hair in a low bun to the school T-shirt I wear. "You look good. Rested."


"But you also look worried. Anxious." He takes another unnecessarily huge bite of his food, observing me closely. "Anything you want to get off your chest? Come on, you know you can talk to papa."

I throw a napkin at him even as I'm unable to hold a smile back at his words. "Papa my ass."

He catches the napkin and cleans his mouth with it. "Come on, Brocs. Talk to me. It has to do with your boy toy, huh?"

"Things with Fin are . . . good, I guess."

"You sure? 'Cause, you don't look too convinced about that."

I sigh and stab the salmon, my appetite from an hour ago completely vanishing. Sometimes when I'm really hungry but can't get my hands on food for an extended amount of time, the hunger silently passes away.

"Where is he, by the way?" Mav looks around the emptying cafeteria as if Fin is going to pop out of nowhere any minute now.

"At work," I grumble.

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