Hannah and Professor Truman (Chapter 1) [FREE BONUS]

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***UPDATE*** Unfortunately, I just can't seem to find inspo for their story anymore :( Just know that they live happy ever after ❤️

A/N: Heyy! After a lil spark of inspiration, I decided to dust off the draft I had written for Hannah and Prof Truman (Elliott) months back and finish it after someone kindly asked. This first one is free. Let me know your thoughts!



The beginning of the semester is not without its challenges.

Early mornings, coffee runs, having to be on at all times because an auditorium of students is expecting you to deliver informative yet stimulating lectures.

Without fail, every August brings about its distinct set of problems. Yet, the beginning of the school year also marks the time when potential and ingenuity are discovered. When I meet brilliant minds and inquisitive spirits. When I see young artists gain confidence and direction.

Yesterday was the first day of classes, and already, the new class of Muller University has impressed me with their drive and willingness to immerse themselves in the course material, not only to earn a passing grade at the end of the semester but because they genuinely care about the subject.

"So if I support your Save the Seals cause by signing this petition, what exactly do you do with it?"

A sharp feminine voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I turn to glance toward the left, slowing down my stride. My office hours are in five minutes, but something-perhaps it's the tone of the voice or the fact that Jeffrey is a good guy and the voice could eat him up-causes me to stock in my tracks.

"U-Um yes. I-I mean, if you sign I can get more s-support for the cause."

I wince at Jeffrey's low response, turning fully to take in the disaster that is waiting to happen. Jeffrey Hewid is a second-year student-a bit awkward and misguided-but one of the most talented artists I've met. I had him for both semesters last year, and not only have I become his academic advisor, but I've also made it my responsibility to take the guy under my wing.

He reminds me of a younger version of myself. High school was not the best for me, and although college got better for the sheer fact that people didn't care enough to make fun of my tasteless suspenders and braces, I still had to stumble through my awkward faze for years.

So I have a soft spot for Jeffrey, and unfortunately, that means that something that should not be my business currently is.

The girl who stands in front of his Save The Seals table, with a flier made by Jeffrey in her hand, speaks up once more. "Yes, Jeff. I get that. But what exactly does supporting mean? How does my signature of support translate into actual support?"

Like every other student, I only give her outfit a perfunctory glance, one that is more clinical and a human reflex than anything else.

Overalls. Not the boring denim ones. No. Hers are bright orange and finished with the largest bell bottoms. A white long-sleeve underneath, straight hair spilling down her back, and platform shoes that bring her almost eye-to-eye with Jeffrey.

The girl hikes the strap of her bag on her shoulder, the movement elegant even though it's supposed to inherently be an indelicate swing.

"Uh, yeah." Jeffrey scratches the back of his head, staring down at her like she's a pristine canvas ready to be painted on. "You . . . don't have to sign . . . but if you want to go grab some food?"

I roll my eyes at his quite obvious attempt at asking the girl out, still observing the two. The girl tilts her head, and though I can't see her face, I can imagine a smirk on there. I get the sense that she's one of those women who can eat an unsuspecting man up for breakfast if she wants.

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