[FREE] Bonus Epilogue

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Hey, y'all! Took a break from Aristide and Sera and felt like catching up with Fin and Jaya. This is a tiny moment 4 years after the epilogue. I hope you like it <3



Jaya thinks that because we're married and with kids, I cannot be pissed when her time that should be spent with me is being hijacked by a fucker who watches her every move like he's getting paid to do that.

"He's a loyal buyer, Fin," she tells me with a frown while slipping on red pumps. "Plus, he's totally harmless and likes my art."

"He wants you," I mutter darkly while narrowing my eyes at her as she stands up and fusses at her hair. "Your hair looks fine, stop messing with it."

"It only looks fine?" She turns and pouts at me, her red-stained lips doing things to me.

"Fishing for compliments, wife?" I ask her, trying to sound unaffected in hopes that she'll have mercy on me, and decide not to meet Fishburn at the dinner event.

"From you?" She walks toward me, the black dress she's wearing hugging her curves. I didn't think it would be possible for me to love her body even more, but my wife has always been good at proving me wrong. "Always, my love."

Her hands thread through my hair and slide down until they're at my nape, doing even more things to me. I stifle a groan. "Tell me how beautiful I am, Finley," she whispers against my lips, her hands massaging my neck.

At a loss for words, I say the first thing that comes to mind, "The dress is too fucking tight, Jaya."

"You don't like my dress, husband?" She watches me with laughter in her eyes, knowing damn well how I truly feel about that dress.

"I don't like that Fishburn will be staring at this ass that belongs to me," I grumble darkly, my hands descending to squeeze her backside. She gasps softly and I resist the urge to tear this dress apart and keep her in the bed for weeks.

Carson is just in the living room, doing his school work while watching over Ari who's preoccupied with the colorful pictures on the TV to notice that I left her in the living room when I got tired of hearing Jaya getting ready in the next room to go meet another man.

"Darius has a girlfriend, you know that, right?"

"And she looks oddly like a discount store version of you," I retort childishly.

Jaya laughs but pinches my neck. "Lara is a sweetheart, Fin. Don't be mean."

"See? You can't even deny the resemblance."

"We don't look alike, Fin." She laughs once again as if I'm not being serious as hell. "She's just tall, black, and curvy."

"She's also an artist, though nowhere near your level, Nigerian, has a similar style, and you two got along because you have meshing personalities. Fishburn couldn't even be a bit subtle."

Jaya rolls her eyes, not seeing reason because she's too kindhearted to notice that Darius Fishburn has been into her since the first time I generously referred him to my wife for his interior design needs when he moved to his penthouse.

He's not going to do anything about his desire for her because he's seen us together enough to know that she would never leave me, nor would I allow her to, yet he's decided that spending time around her under the guise of talking business will be his only way to indulge in her presence. Can't fully blame the guy, but doesn't mean I fucking like it.

"He's your friend, Fin. You shouldn't be talking about him like that." She frowns up at me.

I lay a kiss on her forehead because I just can't resist how adorable she is. "We're business partners," I correct her, "friends is a stretch."

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