55. Twisted

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I walk backward, eyes on him as he stalks toward me. He's wearing a T-shirt and still wearing the sweatpants he slept in. He should be getting ready for work and should be fully dressed by now, but other things are on his mind.

"Fin, you should go to work and-"


I bite my lower lip, shivers running up my arms at the way he's looking at me. "S-Stop looking at me like that."

"How am I looking at you?"

He takes a step toward me, and I take one back, my legs hitting the bed. I glance behind me, the bed taunting me with its perfectly stretched bedding, fluffed pillows, and fleece blanket that I can't sleep without folded neatly on my side.

"This bed is so well made, how did you always manage to make it so-"

"I'm going to fuck you on it."

I gulp. "Language, Fin," I say as if that's the problem.

He takes another step toward me, his head bent looking down at me. "Why won't you just take the check, Jaya?"

"Because the painting is a gift, okay? You inspired it." I smile sweetly at him. "So I want you to have it."

He shakes his head and crowds me, closing in on me. "No. You're taking the check."

"B-But . . . "

"Get on the bed."

"Fin." I try to side-step him, but he blocks my path. "You have work and I have class soon-"

"On. The. Bed."

Immediately, I get on the bed.

"Now, tell me why you won't take my money for the painting." He stands at the foot of the bed, looming over me with his arms crossed as I rest on my elbows on the bed.

I let out a sigh. "I just . . . it's undeserved, Fin. You practically painted the thing with me with your support."

He frowns at me, not agreeing with my assessment, but not willing to argue. "Take off your shirt."

Without any protest, I take off my shirt.

He stares at me, at my bare chest, my already hardened nipples, and his eyes blaze. But makes no moves to touch me. He only keeps looming over me, the menacing wolf preying on the innocent sheep. Except, I'm no innocent sheep.

I want this. I need this.

"Now, tell me why you won't take the money. And it better make sense this time."

"Mm, aren't you a demanding boy?" I smile slowly, almost seductively, and I slide my hands down my chest. "Maybe I should also make some demands, don't you think?"

He trails the path of my hands with those molten eyes, his breathing growing rugged, and the tent in his pants making my mouth water. I love how much he wants me, how difficult it is for him to control his desire for me, and how much he doesn't want to.

"Take off your pants for me, Fin," I murmur when he remains silent, immovable, and staring.

I don't think he's going to do what I say, but when he steps out of his sweatpants in one swoop, my heart skips a beat and I practically gape at him. The boxers hide nothing from me, but apparently, I'm greedy. I need to see more.

"The boxers, too." I flick my eyes down. "Off."

I raise my brow at his narrowed eyes, challenging his challenge as if my insides aren't dripping wet and clenching at his glare. I've never taken control in the bedroom, and I'm not even sure that I'm ready to go all the way this time, but I must admit that telling him what to do is thrilling. Especially because I know that he's not one to take directions.

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