31. Keeper Of Promises (Part 2)

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"The prettiest pussy and it's all mine."

I squirm on the bed, adjusting my cheek against the soft mattress as his finger toys with my clit. Ass in the air and arms raised above my head, I'm ready to be fucked.

"P-Please," I mumble, holding back a moan when he flicks my swollen nub. "Finley, stop playing."

"Sh, baby." His other hand glides over the exposed flesh of my ass, making me shiver. "You'll take what I give you and be grateful for it, got it?"

I nod just as his finger pushes into my wet hole, extracting a louder moan out of me this time. He pumps in and out languidly, thoroughly messing with me.

"I'm still so fucking angry, Jaya." He adds another finger and gets back to work. "I still want to squeeze the beautiful neck of yours for thinking you could go on that fucking date."

I whimper in need, pushing back to meet his fingers, trying to pick up the pace myself since he insists on playing with me, but he places his free hand on the small of my back to hold me in place.

"I should punish you," he grits out lowly, "but fuck, do I love to watch you writhing and begging for it."

I'm accustomed to the darkness now, accustomed to the restriction of my body. My hands may not be tied behind my back, but they're useless. I have to keep them stretched and unmoving, he told me so himself.

Yes, I may be accustomed to it, but that doesn't make it any less hard when I have no idea what to expect from him next. I'm naked and vulnerable, while he's still clothed and completely in control.

He craves that control, damn near needs it. And hell, I want nothing more than to be dominated by him. It's a tough pill to swallow, but I'm done lying to myself.

I want this.

"Please, please, please." My voice is hoarse and scratchy from the coughing fit I had when he fucked my mouth, but I don't care.

"What do you want, sweetheart? Tell me what you want."

"Fuck me."

"Mm, I'm not sure." He presses deeper inside me with his fingers.

I whine immaturely at his words, very close to slapping him away and finishing the job myself. But I don't. Because it's not my finger I want, but his dick.

"What was that?"

"Please, Fin. Please. J-Just fuck me."

"Well, the thing is, only good girls get to be fucked, Jaya."

I want to growl in frustration, tear the blindfold off and push him away and tell him to go fuck himself, but I don't. I hold my annoyance internally and don't give him more reason to toy with me.

"Bad little artists only get to be played with until they're only a pile of mess, spent and used."

"I'll be good. I'll be good. I-I . . . promise."

He tsks. "I'm afraid it's too late now, Jaya."

"No, no. It's not." He keeps his exploration going, holding me back from the fast pace that I need.


"No." I swallow thickly, trying to think of the best words to appeal to him. "Only you can fuck me. You're the only one who has ever fucked me."

I hear him grunt in affirmation so I continue, "My pussy needs you, Fin. I need you. Please, I need you." The sultriness of my voice surprises even me, but he seems to like it.

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