54. Wins And Losses (Part 2)

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Finley's by the entrance, looking around the masses of people with difficulty, as the servers come and go, and people shuffle to the bathroom, to silently observe the revealed artworks, it's hard for him to see.

He doesn't see us, so I take a minute to drink him in slowly. I saw him only briefly this morning, enough for him to make me squirm and moan out as he made my pussy his breakfast then got out of bed to make me real breakfast before heading to the office. But that was not nearly enough.

"Are you going to go to him or make him look around forever?" My mom questions with slight irritation, mostly at my ogling.

With a silent push from Dev, I'm slowly wading through the clusters of people, 'excuse mes' and 'sorrys' my automatic shields used when I accidentally bump into someone or have to squeeze past a few other folks.

Then, after exhausting all the pleasantries in my arsenal, I'm finally at the edge of the room, and Finley spots me.


He always does that. Says my name with that voice, that tone, as if my name is a prayer on his lips. As always, I can't help the relief I feel at having him here. Every time we're apart, even for half a day, it feels like torture. Like something is missing.

If we were ever to break up . . . If he ever decided this isn't working for him, that he's not benefitting from this as much as he's losing, I don't know what I'd do-

I shake my head, clearing those thoughts out of my brain and letting them die a slow and painful death in the back of my mind. I don't want to be the type of girl who despairs about a breakup that has not even yet happened.

"Fin!" There's a tentative smile on his lips, one that I've never quite seen before as I tush toward him. "You made it! You made it!" I practically run into his open arms, forgetting all about his weird smile when I'm engulfed in his warm embrace.

"Of course, I made it, sweetheart."

The flowers make it difficult for him to hug me tightly like he usually does, but I do the job for both of us by clinging to him for dear life, breathing and breathing him in because being within his arms is where I want to be.

"You're nervous?" he asks me gruffly, looking down at me with apprehension. "You know you're already the fucking winner no matter what happens, don't you?"

Something about him is not right.

It's not in what he's saying, but in the slight edge to his words, the unmistakable shake in his voice, and the way he watches me.

"Everything okay at work?" I rub his arms gently, wondering what could have happened at work.

Before he can reply, Macy stumbles out of the crowd, I imagine heading to the bathroom as she's walking in that direction, but then her eyes drift to us and she gasps then stares in shock for a second before catching herself and practically running in the opposite direction.

"What the hell was that all about?" I wonder out loud, confused by her shock. She's seen Fin and I together in class before, I've seen her glance at us from across the room before quickly looking away. But this is just weird.

Fin rubs my back as I keep looking at where the girl vanished off to, and when I look up at him, he's also staring in that direction. His eyes are blank, but I notice the way his jaw is clenched.

"Do you have any idea what all of that was about?" I cross my arms and take a step back, his annoyed growl not scaring me at the least.

"No, Jaya." He takes a step forward and closes the distance between us once again. "I don't know what the hell her problem is, and I don't care. I only care about you. Are you nervous?"

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