45. Girls Trip

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"Sooo, how long are we ignoring them?" Rochelle leans forward and whispers to us in question, making it quite obvious to the men that we're talking about them.

Sera, who's usually not one for conflict, scoffs and wraps the blanket tighter around herself. "At least for the rest of the flight. We have to commit to ignoring them for at least that long. It's only three hours to Miami. We got this."

"Agreed," Amara nods, typing away furiously on her laptop since she has a paper due in an hour and forgot until about thirty minutes ago.

I cross my arms and nod at Sera's words, avoiding the hell out of the right side of the cabin where the men sit as quietly as church mice. We decided to start shunning them when they showed up at the airport and ruined our plans for a girls trip, so now the least they can do now is sit down quietly.

Ro's eyes bounce from Amara who sits next to her then to Sera and me who sit across from them. "Mm, I don't know if y'all can do that. You three are kinda dick-whipped."

Sera bristles and I'm sure she'd be red as a tomato if it wasn't for her mahogany skin. "I'm not dick anything," she hisses back, clearly flustered.

"Sure," Ro retorts with a roll of her eyes. "In any case, I'm sure that the only reason why y'alls men are sitting quietly while staring the fuck out of you guys is because they're thinking of an attack plan."

"Hold on, Ro." Because my good sis cannot whisper to save her life, I unlock my phone and shuffle the first playlist my finger taps.

Rochelle nods at my forward-thinking and resumes with, "We should mess with them, instead."

"How would we do that?" Sera asks quickly, and I turn to look at her, surprised by how enthusiastic she is about the idea.

Ro looks at me with a raised brow and I sigh deeply but nod. "Go ahead, girl. Let us hear it."

"Amara, are you interested in hearing about my amazing plan?"

"I'm interested in getting this darned paper turned in," our friend mumbles, her eyes fixated on her laptop as she types away. "Quick, what's a synonym for 'crazy'?"



"Jacob Withers."

Sera and I snort a laugh at Ro's joke, but Amara doesn't even look away from her laptop and continues typing with one hand before quickly slapping Ro's thigh. "Haha, Rochelle. Hilarious. Lunatic's good. Thanks, y'all."

Before Ro can go on a rant about why her joke was actually quite funny, Sera leans forward on the plush chair and focuses the girl's attention back on the subject at hand. "So, what's your plan?"

It might be because we're 36,000 feet in the air, or perhaps the reckless spirit of a Miami girls trip after the day we spent exploring New York, or maybe simply random pettiness, but Sera is surprisingly very into this ploy that is more than likely going to get us nowhere. Nevertheless, I find myself leaning forward when Ro begins explaining.

"It's quite simple." Her eyes bounce from me to Sera, bright and alert. "We're just going to make them jealous without really saying anything. Just keep them on their toes a little."

Sera and I follow with interest as she explains further how exactly we'll go about doing things. Even Amara, whose focus remains on her half-written paper, offers a few comments here and there, and before we know it, we've concocted the dumbest way to goad the guys.

We're being extremely petty, we know that. Especially given the fact that thanks to their infiltration we get to travel in luxury instead of squished together on a crowded plane for hours. But still, they can't just throw their money at us and expect us to welcome them warmly.

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