43. Table Manners

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It's only when we're sitting down for dinner fifteen minutes later that some of the nervousness comes back at the feeling of curious eyes on me and Fin.

The dinner party is an intimate one, with only twelve guests seated around the long dining table, candlelights illuminating the delicious food, and formally dressed guests. the moon shi in from a large window at the side of the room.

The atmosphere is cozy and private, but I can't shake the feeling that some of the Barton's family members and friends seated around the table are wondering who the hell I am and why I'm basically sitting on Fin's lap. Which isn't my fault because he's the one who dragged my chair closer to his as soon as he sat down.

"Lovely dress, hun," Mrs. Hetton, a middle-aged lady wearing a long sleeve, turtlenecked black dress that screams propriety, tells me with the fakest smile I've ever seen. "Though I must admit, it is very . . . aggressive."

Her daughter rolls her eyes and types something on her phone that is hidden underneath the table even though we all know she's using it. Her name is Leslie, and besides her love for her phone and peppermint gum, all I know about her is that mother dearest intended for her to weasel her way into Fin's heart.

Multiple conversations are going on amongst the clatter of silverware against plates as we all scarf down the delicious food, but I swear all attention turns to Mrs. Hetton at her obviously hostile remark.

"When I saw this dress, I knew it would be perfect for her so I had to get it." Fin looks down at me with a wink, but his eyes are clear and sincere when he tells Mrs. Hetton and the nosy people listening in, "Not that it matters, Jaya is beautiful in everything she wears. Or doesn't. "

I should slap him for the last part of the compliment, but instead, I find myself scooting even closer to his comfort. I'm not rattled by what Mrs. Hetton said, I get that she wanted Leslie and Fin to be a thing and probably made plans for that over the years, but it's still nice to have someone in my corner.

Mrs. Hetton obviously can't take a hint, because she's narrowing her eyes at me and opening her mouth once more, but Fin's faster than her.

"I think you should focus on your food, Mrs. Hetton. You're looking slightly malnourished these days, I'm sure the steak will do you good."

I choke on some peas as a low murmur of laughs and shocked gasps sounds around the table. From the head of the table a few seats from us, his parents try to hold in their laughter. Even Leslie laughs at the insult that was thrown at her mother, looking away from her phone for the first time in thirty minutes to take in her sour expression.

As we keep eating, everyone forgets about the interesting encounter and the adults begin getting louder as the servers refill their third and fourth glasses of wine. I watch everything with interest, letting Fin's hand wander up my thigh and steeling myself against his finger grazing my inner thigh.

"Watch it, " I hiss at him when he jabs his finger against my underwear. "You're doing a little too much."

He places a kiss on my temple, the action probably looking sweet and innocent if anyone happens to glance at us, not knowing that he's messing with me underneath the table. "No can do. I need him to see that you're mine."

I scrunch my face and look up at him. "Who?"

With a hard face that confuses the hell out of me, he says, "My cousin next to you. He's been staring at you since he sat down."

I blink in confusion, wondering what the hell he's talking about. There's no one next to me. At least there wasn't anyone when I first sat down because the person who was supposed to be there was late or something. I think Eleanor said something about it.

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