21. Rock Bottom

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Is this what hitting rock bottom looks like?

Pushing the squeaking cart forward, I incline my head at the display in front of me. There are several options, but of the most expensive brand, it seems I could get the two-in-one or two smaller packs.

For a second, I mentally calculate which is the best option to save money for no other reason than not liking the idea of being taken for a fool by pad corporations.

Someone clears their throat behind me just as I'm about to finish my mental calculation, so I ignore them and finish quickly then reach for the two-in-one. Guess the pad corporations are being lazier than they should.

They could have deceived many by the prospect of more pads for a slightly higher price than buying two packs, but no, they're actually being honest.

Shaking my head at their business decision, I push the loud cart further down the aisle. It takes me two more minutes of comparing tampon prices and quality before deciding on the perfect pack.

I leave the aisle with a victorious smile on my lips, feeling good at having gotten the optimal product for comfort, quality, and price.

And with a quick Google search, I pat myself on the back because the products in my cart are the ones ranked the best by consumers.

Yes, this is definitely what hitting rock bottom looks like.

With a sigh, I wipe the smile off my face and push the cart a bit faster as I walk to the other side of the store.

It's not the fact that I'm buying feminine products that indicate I've hit rock bottom. Sure, I had never even touched a pack of pads before six minutes ago, but that's not the worst part.

The problem is a more internal one.

It's the odd glee I feel at having gotten the best products money can buy for Jaya, the satisfaction that I feel at the expectation of her being proud of my choices, and the desire to make sure I win against Prince Charming.

"Fucking Prince Charming," I grumble annoyingly, ironically this happens just as I pass by the children's toy section where princesses and princes line the wall.

Against my will, I turn my cart in the direction of the toys as my eyes scan for Charming. I find the little smug dude fairly quickly, his self-satisfied smirk grating my nerves.

"Your suit is ugly as shit, man," I tell him with my own smirk. "And the shoes need some polishing, your highness."

Once again, this is rock bottom.

"Not sure what Jaya sees in you," I mutter humorlessly, grabbing the box in which Charming stands, looking at him with a keen eye.

"Your hair isn't too bad, I guess," I admit, looking over the perfectly coiffed dark strands. "But I'm certain you can't please a woman. You wouldn't know how to handle Jaya the way she likes, buddy."

That fact puts a smirk on my lips once again. "Charming men like you can only think about your own pleasure. But don't worry, I'll take care of her."

My smirk turns into a smile, and I reach to drop the doll back on the shelf when I feel something tapping my leg. Turning to my left and looking down, I'm greeted by a small girl with the most hair accessories I've ever seen.

"You're a grown man," the girl speaks with a look of both fearful intrigue and internal mirth at catching a grown man in the toy section.

Dropping Charming on the shelf, I look around for the girl's parents, but the aisle is empty except for the two of us.

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