41. Date Night Proposals

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If Fin were to reveal that this was not his first date, I wouldn't be so shocked.

But then again, Fin is one of those annoyingly good-at-everything people. Those people who only need to do something once with even an ounce of care to discover that they're good at said thing.

"Some would say that this is the single most important painting you'll see at the MET," our self-appointed guide tells Fin and me as we round up on Bronzino's Portrait of a Young Man.

Fin gives him a blank look and I wrap his jacket closer around me, breathing in the scent that is all him. When he first procured the thing out of his backseat and helped me into it, I rolled my eyes because he was grumbling that every man in that restaurant couldn't look away from me.

Of course, his statement simply wasn't true given how secluded our table in the fancy seafood restaurant was, but alas, I'm now grateful for the extra layer of clothing since the museum's air conditioning is on blast.

"Portrait of a Young Man is in every single art history textbook you'll ever read and-"

"Aren't you like sixteen?" Fin asks Jonathan with a frown, not being outright rude but also clearly letting him know that his services are not welcome. "How would you know that the painting is in every single art history textbook?"

Jonathan, who's refreshingly not intimidated by Fin, shrugs and sends him a smug smile. "The same way I know that the sky is blue. Art is in my veins, my friend." The sixteen-year-old winks at me, clearly trying to rile up Fin, and I can't help but grin back at him.

Fin narrows his eyes at our exchange, not finding amusement in the situation in which he's the butt of the joke. Personally, I find the whole thing hilarious because if it wasn't for Fin, Jonathan wouldn't be following us around the museum and acting the part of a dutiful guide.

"You regret commenting on that sculpture, don't you?" I hiss at him, still trying to hold back a smile as Jonathan goes off on another rant regarding the next painting. "I told you your two cents weren't needed for each piece, but you just had to talk."

Scowling at the back of Jonathan's head, Fin pulls me closer to him from the end of the jacket and wraps an arm around my shoulders as we follow behind the enthusiastic teen. He's waving his arms around now, his curly hair whipping back and forth as he points to various works.

"Why don't we just ditch him?"

I look up at Finley, taking in his handsome face and resisting the urge to rub at his growing beard. I was watching him shave weeks back and randomly told him he would look fine as hell with a beard and the man hasn't shaved since. Looking at him now, I realize just how right I was.

I must say that the beard and glasses combo does something for my lady bits. I'm not sure what it is, but there's something about it that just . . . speaks to me.

"You want us to ditch him? Are you crazy?!" I whisper from the side of my mouth, watching Jonathan bouncing ahead of us. "Have you met Jonathan? He's crazy enough to hunt us down if we try escaping!"

Fin gives me an incredulous look, looks at Jonathan for a second, then looks back down at me. "He's a kid, Jaya."

"He's tall and pretty big!" I whisper-yell, shooting the guy in question a smile when he glances back at me.

Fin squeezes my shoulders, his face looking suddenly annoyed. "Don't talk about him like that," he grumbles in a low voice.

"I wasn't complimenting him." I roll my eyes. "I just noticed his height and build."

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