20. Pathetic

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Ignoring the cramp in my lower belly, I hold the paper close to me, daydreaming about the opportunities and notoriety winning Emphasized would bring my way.

Beginning next week, the contest that spans weeks will commence at an undisclosed location for those accepted to participate.

Everything is being kept hush for now as we fill out applications and await acceptance or denial, but all we know is that each year fifteen percent of those who apply are accepted.

Those odds make me nervous but the prospect of making art that can be viewed and experienced by many hardens my resolve.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Hannah asks while standing in the middle of our room, fabrics stacked in her arms.

Blinking away the daydream, I nod slowly. "Yup, I'm good. The first day is just the worst one. I'll be good tomorrow."

Stuffing the fabrics on her bed, she huffs. "Periods fucking suck, bruh."


"I can legitimately feel mine coming and I'm dreading it so bad. I'm getting everything done right now because once it hits, I'm reduced to the bed."

Smiling weakly, I turn on my bed so I can curl up in a ball. "That's a good strategy. We really need to get meds for the dorm, though. I had a headache last week and you had a stomach ache just yesterday."

"Thanks for reminding me, I'll get some today."

Watching her piling more fabric inside various bags is weirdly comforting, and I realize just how comfortable being roommates with Hannah feels.

Now that we've moved in and discussed our various non-negotiables and our cleaning procedures, the whole roommate thing has been pretty awesome.

After watching countless YouTube videos of people recounting their terrible roommate experiences, I'm so glad I've lucked out. Even Hannah's penchant for listening to music loudly in the morning doesn't disturb me all that much.

Looking down at the paper in my hands, I read the Emphasized logo over and over again, brainstorming ideas even though we're still not sure what the task will be.

All I know is I need that studio space and the opportunity to sell my work. I might have received a large scholarship to Muller, but other personal expenses still need to be covered and I don't love relying on my parents.

A knock halts Hannah's arranging and she gets off the messy side of her floor to open the door, not caring that her humongous tie-dye bonnet will be greeting whoever's on the other side.

"Is she in there?" A deep, rich voice asks and I grip the flyer tighter in my hands.

Hannah stalls for a bit, probably unsure whether I'm in the mood for a visit from Finley at this moment. Surprisingly, his showing up at my door causes my stomach to drop in a foreign emotion.

We're not friends, remember, stomach? He pushed you out of his apartment, don't be stupid.

Is it all my fault, though? When it's him that refuses to leave me alone?


I gulp and look up at the figure that stands in the middle of the room. He's not wearing the same thing he was earlier today in class, instead, he's donning soft sweatpants and a simple T-shirt.

Oh, and his glasses are on.

Ugh, my hormones are too weak right now for this shit. How in the hell does he manage to make a simple outfit feel so sophisticated?

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