Chapter 20

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Chapter 20;

*Makenzies POV*

"Carson, hurry up!" I pounded on the bathroom door. Carson has been in there for an hour now and it was really pissing me off. I heard the water turn off, and him stepping out. He unlocked the door, and swung it open.

He only had a towel wrapped around his waist, and his body was glistening with water and his hair was wet. He looked hot. I smirked at him, and rolled my eyes.

"You done?"

"There's no more hot water, so,"

I eyed him. "You're a dick," I leaned against the frame of the door, and just glared at his exposed chest. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on. My eyes kept scanning his body, and I noticed something strange on his stomach...

He had a huge white slash across his stomach.

It was about 8 inches long, and about 2 centimeters wide. The scar was faded and it looked a little old. I've never noticed this before. Carson must've sensed I was staring at it, because he wrapped his arms around his stomach. He looked down, ashamed of it.

I breathed in. "Carson, you don't have to be ashamed. How did you... How did you get it?"

Carson looked up at me with pained eyes, and a twisted look on his face. He gulped, and shifted his weight.

"Well... My dad... Did this to me. He cut me because I wouldn't shut up when he was..." he gulped again, and then muttered quietly. "Raping me."

Those words were like a knife to my heart. I hated hearing about this. I don't even know why I asked. Oh yeah, that's right, because I was stupid and curiosity got the best of me.

I took Carson's hand, and led him to his room. He had me turn around while he got dressed because he didn't feel comfortable with me seeing him. He slipped on a pair of boxers, and a black T-Shirt, and then climbed into his bed. I sat there awkwardly at the edge of his bed, and he motioned for me to come sit by him.

"Carson... Did you... Did you cut yourself, you know, after we kissed?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

He tried to avoid my gaze, "No," he blinked, and I could tell his was lying. "Well, something like that."

"Did you do worse?"

He bit his lip. "Why should I tell you?"

"Because I care."

"Well I don't. Just stop trying to get into my personal business. It was hard enough telling you what happened about my stomach. Just drop it."



"You don't have to be a jerk about it,"

Carson laughed slightly, it was emotionless. "Why does everything I say have to come out rude to you? Can't you tell I'm trying to be nice?" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, and moved my hand over his.

"Can I?"

Carson breathed heavy, and nodded. I took his hand, and laced it with mine. I loved his touch, and his hand was the softest touch there was. I brought it close to my chest, and let him feel my warmth. My heartbeat. I wanted him to know that I truly don't hate him like I claim I do. I actually care for him. Maybe, I might even love him. I wonder if he feels the same.

Carson gulped, and closed his eyes. "Makenzie... I-"

"Shhh. Please... Don't ruin this. I want you to know that I care for you."

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