Chapter 31

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Chapter 31;

*Makenzies POV*

"Dad, what are you doing?!" I yelled, trying to stop my dad from exiting the door. My dad faced me, and in his arms was Carson. Carson was trying to fight at him, and was struggling to get out of his grip, but failed. Carson looked defeated, and decided not to fight my dad anymore. My facial expression turned to complete horror, and disgust.

"He's going back! I can't stand this piece of shit anymore!" Tyler exclaimed, and tightened his grip on Carson.

I shoved at my dad and punched him with everything I had. He didn't seem to phase much, and ignored me. He exited out the door, and threw Carson in the backseat of his car, and started to drive off. Carson's face was in the window, looking back at me, and it looked broken, and depressed.

I couldn't take anymore of this. My dad ruined everything for me. I went into the kitchen, grabbed a knife from the drawer, and held it to my stomach. I slightly put pressure of the blade, and it started cutting into my stomach.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, and quickly moved the knife from my stomach, to my chest and stabbed myself.

I woke up with a gasp, and I couldn't believe what just happened. It all felt so real... So vivid. I looked around to see where I was, and it didn't look like the couch I fell asleep on at home. I was in a small room with just bed, boarded up windows, and a vanity. I slowly crawled out of the bed, and slipped on my jacket.

I crept out into the long, creaky hallway, and tip toed down the grand stair case. I heard talking coming from the kitchen, and I slowly walked towards the door. I heard muffled laughter and conversations going on in there, but I couldn't quite make it out. The only word I did understand was my name. I huffed and pushed the door open.

I was greeted by three people. They all looked up from each other and their attention was now on me. I smirked. "I heard my name," I commented, and my eyes fell on Carson.

"What all did you hear?" Carson asked, and quickly got up from his seat to greet me with his embrace. It felt so nice and warm. I didn't want to leave his touch.

"Only my name... Why?" I looked up at Carson and his eyes averted from me to the two boys that were sitting at the table.

"Why're you up?"

"I had a nightmare,"

Carson's eyes became alert. "Tell me about it?"

"Later. Right now, I want to know what you guys were talking about," I pushed myself away from Carson, and walked over to the boys who were staring intensively at me. "Who are they?"

"You don't remember them? You guys met last night,"

"I was half asleep, Carson,"

The blonde haired boy shot up from his chair, and grabbed my hand. He kissed my hand, and peered up at me through his eyelashes. "I'm Alec. Nice to meet you," His voice was kinda deep, and quiet. It was honestly really hot.

The black haired boy soon greeted me after Alec did, and honestly, I thought he was jealous of Alec. He smirked at me. "I'm Bentley. Don't mind him, he's stupid," Bentley pointed towards Alec and Alec smiled.

They were both cute, and their voices were cute too. They sounded a little older than Carson and I, and looked a little bit older. But why did Carson bring us here? What exactly happened?

"Nice to meet you two... Carson, what are we doing here?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about... Makenzie, we can't stay at your house anymore. Your dad is becoming abusive and not caring for anyone but Danielle. I personally think we should stay here..."

"In this dump?! This place is crap, Carson. I don't want to be kicked out of my house all because my dad is being a douchebag-"

"You're not listening to what I'm saying.... Your dad is becoming abusive! He slaps me all the time, yells at me, and calls me names..."


Carson nodded and crossed his arms. He went over to where Bentley and Alec were sitting, and sat down with them. They all looked up at me, and I shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry Carson. I should've listened," I sat on the recliner that was beside them, and leaned back. I was still tired from what happened these past few days and it was all catching up to me now.

The boys continued talking about whatever it was they were talking about as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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