Chapter Eleven

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Shai's POV:

Miles is being weird, I didn't want to show that I was affected by it at training, but I am. Miles and I have been friends for years, he's honestly like a brother to me. He didn't talk to me all of training, and gave me a few glares after he found out I'd kissed Theo. It's not even like I kissed him how I wanted to, I had to kiss him. It's my job. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling wondering why he's being so odd, and the only thing I could think to do was text him.

'Miles, what's going on? You know you can't act like this with me'

It's been about half an hour since I text Miles and I still have nothing back, I don't know what I've done wrong but I want to fix it. Even if that kiss did mean something to me, it meant nothing to Theo. I'm just another coworker to Theo, and he's had a lot better. My thoughts get suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on my door. Shit. Theo. I invited him to come to the woods with me earlier, I totally forgot. I run to the door and open it and he looks shocked. "You going like that?" he said, "it's pretty cold out." I smile apologetically and reply. "No! I'm so sorry I completely forget to get ready, would you mind waiting 10 minutes? Come in." He was fine with waiting but I felt awful, and I still wanted to know what was up with Miles. I look through my drawers and find some black jeans and a hoodie, I like that I don't have to dress up around Theo. I start to rummage through my suitcase looking for my hat, and I can't find it. I must've left it at home. "What you looking for?" Theo says nosily. "Just my hat, but I've left it at home, don't worry. Let's go." I say whilst looking up. As our eyes meet he throws me a beanie from his backpack, and I thank him, he's always so efficient. I grab his hand and rush out the door, I'm so excited to share my place in the woods with Theo.

We finally reached the woods and you can tell this is all new to Theo, he looks around like a small child at Disneyland. It was adorable. We start towards the centre where my spot is, and he's pointing out different animals as he sees them. When we reach the fallen trunk I sit on he pulls out a blanket from his bag and puts it over us. It perfect, and at the moment I though nothing could ruin this for me. Until I felt the buzzing in my hoodie pocket. I check my phone and it read Miles. A dull ache hit my stomach and I suddenly didn't want to look at it. I didn't want to know why he was ignoring me. I was scared.

'Shailene, you and I have always had something special, and I know you've felt it too. You know I have feelings for you, and you chose to hurt me. Why would you kiss someone like Theo? He seems like he's going to play you, but if that's the kind of man you prefer, then that's your bad. It just hurts knowing you'd rather be played than treated right by someone who genuinely cares about you, someone like me'

What? Miles likes me like that? I never had a clue. I feel awful, I've never seen Miles as more than a friend. I've never felt this type of pain, but all I want to do is cry. I don't want Theo to see me cry but I need to. I throw myself into his shoulder and let it out. At first he doesn't ask, he just holds me, and gently strokes my back and hair. Making me feel better. I manage to pull myself together and he looks worried. I can't speak yet. I'm so confused, but I'm also angry. How dare Miles say that about Theo. It wasn't even a real kiss, it was a test! I see Theo looking more worried by the second, but I know if I speak I'll cry again, so I just show him my phone. I watch Theo's eyes scan the screen in front of him, and slowly see anger take over his face. He turns his body so he's facing me and holds both of my hands. He pauses and looks nervous, but he doesn't let go. He takes a deep breath and start to worry. "Shai, I don't know if you have feelings for Miles, but I just want you to know I would never treat you like that ever, I am not a player, whatsoever. If I'm 100% honest, I do have feelings for you, he's right but, I would treat you right. I would make you feel like my princess, I would give you everything you deserve. You don't have to answer me right now, but I don't want you scared of me because of him. He's just upset." I look Theo deeply in his eyes processing every word he just said. Theo James has feelings for me, for me. Why on earth does he have feelings for me? I forget everything that's happening with Miles and smile, a fear tears escape but not from upset.

Theo's POV:

I just told her I like her! What kind of idiot am I? Of course she doesn't like me, she's got Miles drooling all over her, making her think I'm some kind of bad man. Miles is way more suited for Shai anyway, he's young, funny, everything she could want, but I think I'm everything she needs. She doesn't answer for a while, but she doesn't run either. She's just looking into my eyes and I can't help but think this moment is perfect, every single thing about this moment is perfect. I gently wipe the tears falling down her face and wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her head into my shoulder and my head rests on hers. A few more minutes pass by and she finally looks up at me. "I have feelings for you too Theo." She says with a smile, and I feel butterflies, everywhere. I smile and can't believe my luck. I don't answer because no words are enough to describe how I feel right now, I just hope the moment, the atmosphere and everything is enough for her to know what a special person she is. What a special person she is to me. "You should reply to Miles," I say, "you don't want him to think you're ignoring him" I smile. I know now that nothing will happen between them. She's one step closer to being my girl, and I want her to be the happiest. I know Miles makes her happy, but in a different way. She agrees and I give her back her phone, she leans closer so I can see what she's typing, and she keeps looking up to me for confirmation.

'Miles, I kissed Theo for our chemistry test, you would have known that if you didn't storm off. I couldn't be more sorry if you thought there was something between us but I see you as my brother Miles, that might not be enough for you, but it means a hell of a lot to me, so don't walk out on me now.'

I smiled and told her it was good, although I kind of wanted her to tell him she did have feelings for me, even though the kiss wasn't real. I don't want to force her into anything though.

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