Theo's POV:
We've been home for a few days now and I think Shai wants to start getting back to normal, I can imagine not doing anything would stress her out more than actually helping me, so in a bit we've decided to sit down and make a list of who to invite to our meal. To be fair, we still need to let people know we're getting married. Ever since Shai was in the hospital I've been thinking, about how life should be and how short it really is. Everyone should be living life to the fullest as you never know what's round the corner, and on top of that nobody should be worrying because that'll only make it shorter. I want that to be how Shai and I live our lives from now, in the moment, not worrying about everyone else and how they see us. I just want us to be happy. I'm thinking about our honeymoon, it's the only thing that is specifically down to me as I promised to surprise her.
"Right, you ready to make this meal list then?" She says after sneaking behind me and wrapping her arms round my neck.
"Let's do it" I reply as I pick up a pen and paper and sit at the table.
"Okay, my mum, my brother, I'll have to check with you about my dad, I'm not sure what he's up to these days-"
"Yeah, I've never actually known much about your dad"
"Erm, we can talk about it later, lets finish this"
"Okay, continue"
I want to give her my undivided attention but my mind keeps aimlessly thinking about her dad and how I really have no idea who he is. Half of me is listening to Shai and writing down all the names she's saying but for some reason this isn't leaving my mind.
"We're inviting Miles right?"
"Yeah, but maybe from the cast only invite Miles, Ansel and Zoë"
"Yeah sounds good, who from your family?"
"Mum, dad, siblings,oh, shall I invite my sister?"
"Yes, it's her choice if she comes."
"Okay, and then my niece and nephew, I think that's it"
"Okay cool, I'll let them all know. Where shall we go?"
"How about Dusks I hear it's nice"
And from then I just completely tune out. I care a lot about this meal, I do but I start thinking about living life again. This house isn't the perfect way to start our future, I want a new house to come back to after the honeymoon, but I don't know if that's too much stress to put on Shai. Of course I see this place as 'ours' but technically, it's 'mine' and I want something that's ours, to symbolise the start of our married life. Also, I don't know how Shai feels about this but I see us one day with children and we're going to need a good place to bring them up. I always picture a big house to play hide and seek, and a beautiful garden where we can build a tree house, or a swing set or whatever they wanted. I really don't want to bring up my children here, I have no garden and just one room.
Shai's POV:
Theo's been day dreaming a lot recently, I think he's still trying to understand what happened at the hospital, I know part of him is blaming himself but it wasn't his fault, I kept all my feelings to myself and it built up. That's what happens when you're too stubborn to admit you're hurt, which is exactly why I'll tell him about my father later, just not now. I'm hoping his sister says yes to the wedding because I know how much it means to him to have family around.
'Hi guys, I guess this is a wedding group chat. Although I don't expect us all to be chatting all the time, it's more for updates so don't worry. I just wanted to let you all know you're invited to a meal on Monday at Dusks, 7pm. I think it'll be a perfect opportunity to get to know each other.'
I was actually worrying about sending that message so many times, so I gave in and downloaded whatsapp. It seems everybody has it now so it's convenient to tell them all about the wedding plans. Ana, my brother and Theo's brother were real quick repliers, I guess that goes to show how much they're on their phones, but so far so good.
I look up to tell Theo who has replied and I see him asleep with his head on the table. It's actually quite rare for him to be asleep whilst I'm awake. I always fall asleep before him and wake up after, I never get the chance to actually see him sleeping. I wish I did more often because it's time like this when I can see such beauty in him. When he's carefree, peaceful and not putting on a brave face. It's times like this that inspire me to start writing my vowels and remind me just how much I love this man, but I can't start writing them now, I can't just let Theo fall asleep on the table.
"Theo" I say as lightly as I can to not fully wake him, and he opens his eyes very slightly. "Come on, lets get you to bed" I say as if I'm talking to a child. He doesn't reply he just follows me up stairs and crawls into bed, and leave him in our bedroom and whisper "I love you" as I walk out. Now I have a few hours to myself, to get started on my vowels and have a bath. I love having baths but I always wait until I'm alone for a bit because I feel rude leaving Theo for so long and honestly, I can start to miss him. I grab a pen and my diary, which is usually used for keeping track of my schedules, but now it can be used to write my secret vowels.
Sheo's Story
FanfictionWe all know Shailene Woodley and Theo James have undeniable chemistry on set, but what if that chemistry moved to their private lives? Would they have a flawless relationship? Would they be able to fight through the many complications that get in th...