Chapter Fifty-Three

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Shai's POV:
We've been on the plane for an hour and Theo's asleep. Our time in London was perfect. I've been thinking about Theo around his niece and nephew, he's so good with kids it surprised me. They adore him as well, it makes me think about our future, Theo will be such a good daddy. I hope we visit London again soon, and his family. My mum's meeting us at Theo's tomorrow as he didn't want to tell her over FaceTime that we're getting married. I feel myself starting to drift off so I hold Theo's hand and rest my head on his shoulder. 


I wake up to Theo gently saying my name to say we've arrived. Theo begins to inform me we will be met by our publicist as a last minute interview has come up. I prefer last minute interviews as I don't have enough time to overthink and worry myself. As we're walking through the airport looking for Thomas (our publicist) I call my mother, to let her know the arrangements for tomorrow, Theo's dress and what time. It's hard not to blurt it out over the phone, firstly because I'm just so excited but mainly because she's so questioning about her visit. Once I hang up I see Theo waving to Thomas, and he leads us to the car waiting outside. 

Theo opens the car door open for me, he has ever since the first time we met, and I step in. There's a divider between the front and back of the car, separating Thomas and the driver from us. Theo takes my hand and squeezes it.

"It's been a while since we've had an interview" he states with a silent question. I know he's secretly asking me if I'm nervous or how I'm feeling.

"I know, I'm not that nervous. Do we say about the engagement?" I ask, hoping he says yes. I want to show off my beautiful ring he bought me, and him. I love showing him off.

"If they ask" he says with a grin and I agree. We're interrupted by Thomas knocking on the divider for permission to open it up, but as it's practically sound proof Theo opens it up from the back. 

"Okay guys, I don't think this will be a short interview, so I want you both to stay calm, honest and most importantly be yourselves. Shailene, I can't help but notice that engagement ring on your finger, congratulations both of you, but remember, only tell them what you want the world to know, these interviews go on YouTube. Any questions?"

"Thanks Tom," Theo says whilst moving his thumb in small circles on my hand, "no, I don't think we have any questions, and we're only going to tell them about the engagement if they ask"

"Very well, I'll leave you two alone again then, good luck" and the divider closes again. 

I'm not dressed for an interview at all and neither is Theo but I guess we'll just have to explain we literally just got off the plane. We are both in tracksuit bottoms and plain baggy t-shirts. I'm actually wearing one of Theo's. 

I wonder why these people want an interview so late, it's been at least a month and a half since our last one. It was before I started on The Fault in our Stars and Divergent comes out on DVD soon. 

Theo's POV:

We walk hand in hand into a tall, shiny black building. I notice Shai starts walking closer to me and I feel her shaking a little. I find it so cute how she'll always be a little scared about these things, and she'll never become 'used' to all this madness. As we get further in we're greeted by a blonde receptionist who reminds me a lot of Kate Windslet. 

"Hi, Theo James and Shailene Woodley, we're here for an interview" I say admiring how clean, and modern this place is. 

"Ah, Theo and Shai, please go straight through to Room 4, it's down the hall and on your left."

We walk round the corner to a long, symmetric corridor, with about 50 doors. On each door is a bold white number, which are the only things that stand out. We reach Room 4 and knock a few times before a tall opens and welcomes us in. The first thing I notice is the camera set up with lights shining towards two sofa's. I remember Shai hates interview's like this as she feels she's under a spotlight. 

"Please, take a seat Mr James, Miss Woodley, I'm Mike" he says waving his hand towards the sofa. So we do. 

"Before we start" Shai says, surprising me, "what's this interview about? As the filming for Divergent finished months ago." I see where she's coming from actually. What is this about? 

"Oh! This isn't about Divergent. This is about your relationship, we're doing an article in our magazine called 'Celeb Relationship Goals' and you guys were top voted to be interviewed on it. That's okay, right?"

Shai just smiles and nods, and edges closer to me on the sofa. Another man walks into the room, and starts the camera. The interview has begun.

"Hello, today we have with us Theo James and Shailene Woodley! How are you guys?"

"We're good" Shai and I say simultaneously.

"Good, let's begin. Shai, what would you say one of you favourite things about Theo is?"

"His humour, or intelligence" she says, and I smile at her. 

"What about you Theo? Your favourite thing about Shai?"

"Her eyes" I say whilst laughing a little. This is so cheesy.

"Cute, what's your favourite thing to do as a couple?"

I look to Shai to let her know I want her to answer first, it's been a thing we always do. 

"Erm, I love travelling with him"

"That's a good one," I agree, "but I think my favourite thing we've done as a couple is live together. It's like living with your best friend but better." Shai looks up at me and I can't resist the urge to kiss her, so I give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"What advice would you give other couples who want to be just like you two?"

Shai laughs "well, I don't think I'd give advice. You need to be yourself, not us. Actually I do think it's important to be-"

"What do I see here? An engagement ring is it?" Mike waves his hands in excitement and Shai looks relieved she doesn't have to give relationship advice. 

"Yes, I proposed two weeks ago in London"


"We were on a boat at night, having a meal down the Thames and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, so I just proposed."


After a long, interview all about mine and Shai's relationship we meet Thomas back in the car to take us home. He asks us how it went and we briefly said fine. I'm not going to lie I half hated that and half loved it, I do love showing off Shai but I felt that was so invasive, I do love her so much but I don't want couples trying to be us. That's the beauty about our relationship, it's ours. 

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