Chapter 1

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Since the death of his best friend, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian hasn't left his house for a second. It's been nearly six months now and all the other hermits are worried about him, but he still refuses help and pushes everyone away. No one knew why Grian wasn't able to accept it and move on, some believed it was because he'd been in love with Mumbo for years, others thought he knew something the rest of the hermits didn't know.

The only person who hadn't given up on Grian no matter what was Scar. He still showed up to Grian's house every single day in hopes that one day the short boy would open the door. The reason Scar hadn't given up remained a mystery, even to Scar himself. There was just something in him that made it so he couldn't bring himself to let go of the blonde. At first glance it was an unexplainable desire, but upon further investigation that desire was fueled by a need to be with him, an unbreakable connection that tied them both together. They both felt it, but neither of them understood it.

{Scar's POV}

As I walked towards Grian's house I felt a sudden joyful emotion rush through me. I felt really good about today, I'd like to say I didn't know why, but I did. I wouldn't tell anyone though, they would think it was stupid. It was literally just that, a feeling. Actually, it wasn't just a feeling, it was much more. It was so strong and it didn't come from my emotions. It took me about two months to realize, they were Grian's feelings. The reason I had a good feeling about today was because today the feeling changed. It used to be nothing but pure sadness and rage, but now, now it was numb, he'd given up. The feeling was incredibly cold, the emptiness was terrifying. It felt like a void sinking it's way into my heart. I knew it wasn't my void but I felt it anyways. I've never felt so bad for anyone in my entire life.

Right as that thought entered my mind, Grian's house came into view. I smiled a helpless smile, I wasn't ever going to give up on him, but if he didn't answer now, in this state, I don't know if he ever would. I walked up the steps carefully, gave my signature knock and,

"Hey Grian, it's Scar. Are you okay?" My concerned voice eventually got lost in the silence.

He's not coming, is he?

I took in a deep breath, that turned into a long sigh. I closed my eyes, a single tear dropping down my cheek. I turned around, about to go back home, until I hear the faint sounds of footsteps coming closer, and closer, and closer, until the doors behind me opened. I instantly turned around, looking at the short gold-blond male dressed in an oversized red baggy hoodie and a pair of light grey sweatpants that touched the floor. His hair was super messy and a little wet, I assumed from tears, because taking a second look, his hoodie was drenched, and he didn't smell like a man that just took a shower. He was a complete mess. My expression softened as I continued to subconsciously stare at him.

"S-scar?" Grian's usually soft voice, now so coarse and quiet, snapped me back to reality.

"Grian! C-can I.. Can I h-hug you?" I asked softly, wanting nothing more than to have our bodies collide in this very moment.

I have to admit, I was shocked when he hurried into my arms and squeezed me tight. I wasn't complaining though, I hugged him right back. Though I was hugging him at a significantly higher level. The top of his head barely reached the start of my mine, he was so short and adorable, even when he was all messy and wet. I could feel his tears digging their way into my shirt and slowly my shirt became drenched as well. It was at the moment that I wasn't sure what to do, it's like my brain just realized that he'd been hiding in his house for almost six months. Maybe I should ask if I can go inside? But I don't wanna risk it! I took a deep breath before I rubbed ovals on his back,

"Do you want to go inside?" I asked with visible uncertainty.

"I-I'd like t-that.." He spoke quietly, his voice clearly fading.

He must've been crying so much.

He pulled away slowly and lead me through his gorgeous house. I have to say, I've always admired his amazing talent in building and his never ending creativity. After a small walk through the short halls we arrived in his bedroom. He sat on his bed and motioned for me to sit down next to him. He looked at me with a questioning look before persuing,

"W-why didn't y-you ever give up on me? Y-you showed up a-at my door for months! You.... you neve-er missed a d-day!" He exhausted the last of his voice.

"I.. I just couldn't leave you, especially not after seeing all the others eventually giving up on you, I couldn't do that to you." My voice was so genuine and I looked deeply into his eyes. A hint of a smile appeared on his face, which made a sad smile appear onto mine.

Somehow this moment felt oddly intimate. Maybe it was because I was sitting on his bed, maybe it was because of the way I looked into his eyes, or perhaps the way we both reacted to that action. Whatever it was, for some reason, I didn't mind it.

{Grian's POV}

His gorgeous emerald green eyes were looking right into my saphire blue ones with a beautiful sparkle. I felt like I needed to ask him now, ask him if he felt the same link between us as I did. I was too curious to just pass the opportunity, and somehow, for just that small period of eye contact, my feelings of sorrow and agony washed away. It was the perfect time to ask.

"Scar..?" I began quietly, my voice was strained from all the loud sobbing I had been participating in recently.

"Yes?" He responded kindly, his voice made me feel safe, it made me feel like I was heard and it made me want to tell him everything I was thinking.

"Do.. do you feel it?" I looked at him with a sad expression.

"Feel.... what?" It was obvious he had something in mind, I just hoped it was the same thing I had in mind.

"The.. link between us. Every single time y-you left my house I-I... I-I" I felt tears threatening to roll down my cheeks at any moment, a huge wave of guilt immediately overtook me.

"Hey.. hey... It's okay buddy, you don't have to say anything.... I feel it, I feel you, all your emotions and your pain." He pulled me into a gentle hug.

I still felt so guilty though, realization just hit, everything I'd done to all of the hermits, but especially to Scar. He was the only one who stayed with me, the only one who didn't give up on me, yet he's the one I hurt the most. I could feel the immense amounts of misery I caused him every time he knocked and I gave no answer. How could I have been so stupid! At this point I had burst out crying and had my face buried in Scar's chest. He was gently patting my hair, playing with a few locks of it every now and then. It felt so right, but it felt so wrong at the same time, I needed to apologize for everything I've put him through.

"Scar I... I'm truly sorry for all the pain I've caused you... I feel so guilty, I knew how you felt so sad every time you left my door. I could feel it too, but I didn't d-do a-anything!!" I cried even more, pushing all my weight on Scar.

He kept me close to his chest and continued to comfort me whispering things like, 'You needed to grieve,' 'It's okay, Gri,' 'It's not your fault,' 'Everything is going to be alright' He was half right and half wrong, but it felt nice to know that he cared about me despite the coldness I've shown him in the past. It felt nice to just melt into someone's arms. It almost made me want to tell him my darkest secret, the reason I got myself into this horrendous state in the first place. It was getting late though, and I was getting sleepy. Now just wasn't the time. I realized my crying had slowly came to a stop and I was currently gripping Scar's shirt with both my hands. My cheeks turned red with embarrassment and I adopted a bit of distance between us. He looked at me with a smirk,

"When's the last time you had a shower?"


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