Chapter 5

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{Scar's POV}

After telling all the hermits interested that I spoke to Grian and that he was okay but didn't want visitors just yet, I was exhausted. Many of them asked me why I was the only one allowed to see him for now. To that I answered honestly, I don't know. I'd just told Cub about it and he invited me inside for a cup of tea. I sat on the couch, admiring the nicely decorated room I was in when Cub arrived with our tea. He place the two plates with cups of tea in them on the coffee table and then sat down next to me. He took a sip of his tea and a mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

"Sooo, Grian huh?" I was a little confused about what he was trying to say. "What about him?" He gave a short laugh, "You're so clueless." I was about to get offended, when I realized I couldn't really get offended since it was true. I was still confused about what he meant though. "What?" I looked at him with a slightly demanding look. "You like Grian!" I was a bit taken aback by what he'd just said. "I don't like Grian! Well, not like that at least." He laughed once more, clearly not believing me. I'm a terrible liar though, he would know if I was lying! "Well he obviously does!" The boy with a big grey beard responded. "W-what? No way!" My cheeks adopted a bright shade of red. There's no way Grian actually thinks of me like that. I've only visited him twice and we didn't even talk much beforehand. The feelings I felt for him did grow intense fairly quickly though. But that doesn't mean I like him like him. I looked at Cub who had a smug expression on his face. "Are you suuuure you don't like him?" I bit my lip softly, "I'm sure." He gave a small 'mhm' before continuing, "And he doesn't like you?" He drifted closer to me slightly. I swear he was trying to set me up with Grian. "No, he doesn't like me like that." The brown eyed male grinned, "Then walk me through every second you spent with him, and don't miss a single detail."

So I did just that. I kept a few things here and there to myself though, like the nightmare he had when we shared a bed and teaching him my kitchen dance. I was a little self-conscious about it, just like my hair, so I was only comfortable with Grian knowing that. It made no sense, I'd been friends with Cub for longer but I wasn't nearly as comfortable around him as I was around Grian. Cub face palmed as soon as I finished my story. "You guys are both oblivious fools." He let out a deep sigh. "Wha- I'm not a fool!" I took an angry sip of tea as I glared at him, but my expression held no real malice. He simply chuckled and replied with, "Whatever you say." We finished our tea with a friendly little conversation. I thanked him for having me over and headed to the shopping district. Grian's communication device was an old model and wouldn't be able to connect with mine or anyone else's so my plan was to buy him a new one.

When I got to my destination I walked slowly to the tech shop. I waved and said hi to all the hermits I saw on the way there. I walked through the shop and found a blonde boy with ruby red eyes restocking the shelves. I paid no attention to him as to not distract him and simply browsed the many different coloured and shaped communicators. "Scar! Hey, what's up?" The boy from earlier appeared beside me and leaned on the shelf I was browsing. He startled me slightly. "Oh hey Tango, I'm just browsing." I responded, flicking through the colours of a specific shape. "If your communicator is broken, you know I can fix it for a lower price right?" I looked at him with a bit of confusion. I bought my communicator two months ago, why would it be broken already? "My communicator isn't broken. Why would you think that?" He rubbed the back of his neck with what seemed like slight embarrassment, "Oh, uh. Well you can be quite clumsy and tend to drop things a lot." He was very right. I made a small 'oh' sound followed by, "Well no, my communicator isn't broken, I'm just buying one for Grian." Tango smiled wide, "Well then I guess I can make a one-time discount! Follow me, I have one I think he's really going to like." I followed the bright blond into a room in the back where he made all of his prototypes. He signaled for me to stay where I was and carefully picked something up in his hands. He brought it to me and opened his hands to reveal a beautiful rectangular blood red device with little white feathery looking wings sprouting out of it. My mouth reflexively formed an 'o' shape as I stared at the small electronic in awe. "I made it specifically for him, I was going to give it to him as a welcome back to society gift, but I guess you can bring it to him instead! Just make sure you tell him it's from me." Tango put the fragile item in my hand and smiled. "I'm really glad he's doing alright." He admitted with emotion in his voice. "I'll tell him that, thanks Tango." The ruby eyed boy waved me off with a smile. I left the shop and went back home so I could put the newly acquired object in a gift bag.

When I arrived at my house I immediately got to work. After about half an hour of decorating everything and making a sweet little card on Tango's behalf I was done. The bag was a glittery red colour and I put white wrapping paper to fill and cover the top of the bag. The little card I'd made was white with black writing on it. Said writing read,

'Hey, I was really worried about you so I'm glad you're okay. I hope you enjoy and make good use of this gift, I made it specifically for you!
                           -Miss you, Tango'

And with that, I made my way to Grian's house again. I tried my best not to let the conversation I had with Cub earlier get to me but that was easier said than done. I was now incredibly self-conscious of everything I did. I was already analyzing my movements, clothes, and hair. Did I give off vibes of romantic attraction towards Grian? If so, what about me gave that impression on people? Thoughts like these infested my brain like parasites up until I reached Grian's doorstep. I tried to shake off the intense nervosity I was feeling but that didn't work. I took in a deep breath, then gave my signature knock on the door.

I was slightly worried when I didn't get an answer. I knocked again, louder this time. Still no response. My worry grew stronger. I felt slightly relieved when I reached for our emotional connection and he wasn't feeling any negative emotions at the moment. It was a cool trick I'd learned, when I wanted to I could tune into his emotions at any time. I could even tune them out if I felt like it, but I never did. I liked feeling his random burst of happiness or abrupt wave of sadness throughout my day.

My mind snapped back to the present moment. I knocked for a third time, every time my hand collided with his door it hurt even more. It was so loud that it hurt my ears as well. Still no answer. I started panicking, what if he wasn't inside? Even worse, what if he didn't want to talk to me anymore! My mind explored hundreds of scenarios, each one worse than the previous. What if he had been kidnapped and he was scared out of his mind and hoping that I would find him and feel the connection but the kidnapper knew about the link we had and he built a machine to break that connection!! WHAT IF HE DIED??????? I broke down crying on his doorstep. This not knowing what was happening to him was tearing me apart.

Just as I was about to prepare myself for the absolute worst I heard the familiar sound of his front door creaking as it opened. I looked up and there he was, healthy as can be, beautiful as ever. The shorter boy tilted his head in confusion. I stepped inside immediately, put aside his present from Tango, and squeezed the life out of him. Almost literally because after a few seconds he escaped my grip. "Scar what's wrong? You hugged me so tight I could barely breathe." Grian stated with a worrisome expression. "I- you- I.. I-" I cried even more, completely unable to collect myself. "Shhh.. It's okay Scar." He closed the door behind me and brought me into a caring embrace. I could feel a panic attack coming and I did my best to breathe in and out. I was comfortable being at my most vulnerable state with Grian but I didn't want to scare him even more than I already have. My legs felt weak and eventually they gave out and I dropped to my knees. I placed my head onto his chest as he remained standing and wrapping his arms around me. He took off my hat with one of his hands and then he placed it on my head, petting my hair softly. He then moved it down to pat my back while he placed his chin where his hand previously was. It was at this moment that I realized there was something special between us, even more special than our emotional link, because I needed him. I just needed that one day to ignite the need I have for him. The dirty blonde gently rubbed circles on my back and my panicked state faded away in the warmth of his touch.

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