Chapter 24

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{Grian's POV}

I shut the door in their faces when I saw Scar, yet the door wouldn't close and I heard a painful whine from Tango. "Just hear him out, Grian, it'll do the both of you some good." As I looked down to shake my head I realized what had stopped the door from closing was Tango's foot. "No, I don't want to." I then turned around to go to my room, I'd be able to lock myself in there and it would be fine. But I couldn't go, Scar had done the thing I swear he always does, he kept me from leaving. "Grian, I need you to hear me out on this." My face had flushed a light pink shade due to both of his hands being firmly gripped onto my waist.

I saw Tango slip my communicator on the short bookshelf next to my door and then leave. I guess I was stuck with Scar now and I had no choice but to hear what he had to say. "Fine, go on." I turned my head away and crossed my arms defensively. "Can you look me in the eyes, please?" I turned my head slightly and looked at his pretty emerald coloured eyes from the corner of mine. "I guess I can't ask for much more." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Grian you left before I could get the words out, and then you assumed the worst." I turned my head some more until we were face to face and I looked right in his eyes as he looked right in mine. This began to intrigue me quite a lot.

"Grian, I love you." He sighed deeply in relief before letting out a short giggle and a wide smile made it's way into his lips. I was too stunned to even react, did he just say what I think he just said? "I love you Grian. I have for a while, I just hadn't realized until recently. I'm not sure how I hadn't realized before, you're so beautiful, smart, talented, adorable, funny, kind, amazing, and overall, you're perfect. Having you in my life alone is a blessing, you telling me you love me was a miracle." I couldn't process the words that had just come out of his mouth. Was this really happening? Did he really love me back?

"C-can I kiss you?" He asked me nervously. It didn't even take me a second to answer, "Please do." A soft smile took over both of our faces as we inched closer to one another. I lifted my head, he lowered his, I tilted mine slightly to the right, he tilted his slightly to the left, and both of our eyes fluttered shut. Soon after that I felt his soft lips gently brush against mine. Both of my arms reflexively wrapped around his neck as our lips intertwined even more. I was on my tippy toes and some of my weight was pushed against Scar for stability.

We pulled away slowly after a couple of seconds and as I lowered myself from my tippy toes he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer for a hug. "I love you so much, Scar." I said as I nuzzled my face in his chest. "I love you too Grian, so so much." I looked up at him lovingly, yet mischievously, was he challenging me? "I love you so so so much." I smirked and he giggled, "I love you so so so so much." I giggled as well, I knew it! "Well I love you so so so so so much." I said back proudly.

"I love you so much x100"

"I love you so much x1000"

"I love you so much x10000"

"I love you so much x100000"

"I love you so much x1000000"

"I love you so much x1000000000"

"Okay this is getting out of hand, let's agree that we love each other equally." He said with that gorgeous laugh of his I love so much. "I agree, but also I won, ha!" I threw both of my arms in the air joyfully, hitting his face slightly as I did so. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I put both of my hands over my mouth as I realized what I'd just done. He simply shook his head playfully and giggled. "It's okay, Grian." He'd let go of my waist in surprise when I accidentally hit his face so he closed my front door and then took a hold of me once more.

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