Chapter 15

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{Grian's POV}

The more time passed, the more my hope and curiosity grew. The more what ifs popped into my head and the more I wanted to go see Scar. What if it was worth it? What if I was wrong about the way he feels? What if he wants to see me too? What if- What if he loves me too?

I'm just getting ahead of myself at this point. But what if it was worth taking the risk? I can't live in this uncertainty forever, can I? At some point I'll need to know, this will just keep eating away at me until I can't sleep anymore otherwise. Not that I can sleep now anyways, but you get what I mean. And the sooner I find out, the better. The longer I wait, the less he's going to want to see or speak to me. It had been about 4 days since my last attempt, it wasn't that long, yet every second felt like an hour (¹). I couldn't wait any longer, I needed to do this now. So here I am now, standing in the very spot I couldn't get past last time. This time I wasn't determined though, I was absolutely careless. I loved Scar and I loved him with all my heart, if there was a chance, no matter how slim, that he might love me back, I needed to find out.

With that in mind I took one step after the other and I approached those buildings without a care in the world. It was almost noon and from what I remember, that's when the shops are the busiest. I could see many, many hermits as I walked closer and closer to the beautiful buildings. The first person my eyes met was Impulse, he hadn't seen me yet though. I walked more and took my first step on the stone path. I smiled at the feeling of a man-made pathway that didn't consist of primary dirt. This was it, I was truly out.

"Grian?" I heard a soft voice call from in front of me. I looked up from the ground to see Impulse. I clutched the letter I was holding tight. I gave him a small smile in hopes he wouldn't ask me too many questions. It would be even better if he didn't ask me anything. But of course that wouldn't be the case. "What brings you out here?" He said as he approached me. My eyes lit up with hope, "Scar." I said as I began walking again. I caught a glimpse of his knowing, teasing smirk. Was it really that obvious?

I continued making my way along the beautiful path, a few of the hermits had seen me but they were too stunned to say anything before I walked off. I had adopted an above average walking speed so that any who saw me didn't have time to realize and do something about it before I was gone. I heard someone walking behind me but didn't pay any attention to it, there was somewhere I needed to be.

"Wait- Grian!?" I heard a loud, confused voice, emerge from behind me. I turned around and was met with Ren. "Woah! Are you real?!" I giggled slightly and nodded. I'd forgotten how funnily stupid he could be sometimes. He looked at me with a puzzled expression and I was expecting a lot of questions, instead all he said was, "Can I hug you?" I tilted my head in slight confusion, but decided not to ask since I'd rather not be flooded with questions. "Sure." I responded as I shrugged. He speed walked towards me and lifted me off the ground. I honestly wasn't expecting any of the hermits to be this excited to see me. He placed me back down gently,

"I have, like, a million questions, but you look like you have something to do," He motioned to the envelope in my hands, "so I'll leave you to it. It's good to see you though." He smiled and waved at me, both acts which I reciprocated before I went back on my journey. He was very respectful and that was something I was very appreciative of. It wasn't that long before I reached the very center of the shopping district. I knew it was the center because it had a big, three level water fountain with four benches surrounding it. I remember how I use to come here often and sit on the ledge of the first level even though the benches were said to be more comfortable. I liked being close to the water.

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