Chapter 3

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I was woken up by the sounds of Grian's crying and whining. While sleeping he had cuddled up to me and had both his arms wrapped around my neck. Occasionally, his whole body would tense up and he would dig his fingernails in the skin at the back of my shoulders. A shining tear rolled down my cheek, it hurt me so much to see him like this. I shook him lightly to try and wake him up. It didn't work, and he simply pushed his head into my chest, letting out a muffled cry. I felt his tears infiltrate my shirt once more. "Grian?" I whispered softly near his ear, hoping to wake him up this way.

No response, he just squeezed me tighter and didn't let go. I was scared, whatever nightmare he was having must be horrible and it seemed to get worse every second he spent in it. At this point I was desperate to wake him up. "Grian!" I whisper yelled. "Grian?" He echoed, voice muffled. "No, I'm Scar." I responded with the same volume but clearly confused. Did he think I was him? How odd. "Scar..?" He asked in an almost hopeful voice. "Yes, it's me, Scar." My confusion only grew stronger. "Scar!" I felt the vibrations of his voice go through my entire body. He seemed relieved and I felt his body relax as well as his grip on me loosen. "Scar..." He whispered quietly with a content voice. The nightmare he was having was long gone now and I smiled. I don't know what I did, but it worked and that's all that matters!

He lifted his head a little bit until I could see his face from the nose up. He also lowered one of his arms down. It rested softly on my chest and his hand landed right on my heart. I felt a shiver roll down my spine and blush creep up my face. I smiled and looked at the little builder. I felt like I was staring at a masterpiece. His fluffy golden blond hair fell perfectly in every direction and had a slight glow from the moonlight. That glow spread onto his face and exposed his gently closed eyes who were greatly complimented by their long lashes. It also highlighted his nose who laid perfectly on my chest while his chin dug into it a little bit. I smiled at the lovely sight and admired him as I slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up Grian hadn't moved an inch. He was sleeping as peacefully as ever, letting out a soft, adorable little snore every now and then. I subconsciously petted his ultra soft, luscious hair, I loved the texture of it so much. It felt like strands of cotton candy moving through the gaps between your fingers. A cute little sneeze escaped his mouth and he had a content expression. Soon after that my emerald green eyes were met with his vibrant blue ones. He blinked once or twice, opening his eyes ever so slowly. He looked up at me with a mixture of confusion and joy. He yawned and stretched his arms before lifting his torso to sit on the bed.

{Grian's POV}

I have to admit, I wasn't expecting Scar to spend the night. I thought that he would've just stayed by my side until I fell asleep and then left. I was glad he didn't. Scar lifted himself up into a sitting position which brought our faces mere inches apart. Intense blush invaded my face and I backed away slightly, a little sheepish. Scar did the same and then I saw a wave of sadness wash over his glowing green eyes. "What's up?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. His gaze shot straight down to the floor and he sighed, "I guess this is where I have to leave." I felt my heart sink in my chest. "Oh. Right." I responded shortly.

Scar got off the bed and stretched his whole body. I inspected the clothes he was wearing and felt a little bad for him, no way that was comfortable to sleep in. Plus his clothes seemed fancy and they were now filled with wrinkles and folds. He was wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt tucked into dark brown almost skin tight pants. A black belt with a silver buckle kept the shirt from falling out and the pants from falling off. He also had a suit jacket of the same colour as his pants and a pair of black socks. Imagine wearing socks to bed, how uncomfortable! Wait... I looked down and realized that I had just worn socks to bed. Never mind!

"I'm going to do yesterday's dishes before I go." Scar announced as he walked towards the exit of my bedroom. "Really?" I asked with a little bit of disbelief. He looked at me with a 'Why would you even ask me that?' expression, "Of course!" I lunged at him and hugged him. My actions seemed to startle him, and I have to say, I surprised myself too.

Now that he knew his way from my room to the kitchen, I was the one who followed him to the kitchen this time. When we got there he started organizing the dishes and I sat on one of the stools and watched him do his thing once more. I was beginning to daydream when I heard, "Hey Gri, do you mind fetching my top hat for me. I think I left it in your room." I was a little confused, why would he need a top hat to wash dishes? but I went and got it for him anyways. I gave a little 'sure' before I walked to my room. There it was, a dark brown top hat with a white stripe at the base of the shaft. It fit his outfit perfectly. Upon grabbing it, it felt somewhat heavy. I decided not to pay any attention to it and just bring it to Scar.

"Aah, thank you!" He grabbed the top hat and quickly pulled a small radio out of it. I was mesmerized. Wha- How could he do that?? He really was a true magician! It made me wonder what other kind of tricks he had up his sleeve. Quite literally, he could be hiding a bunch of scarfs in his sleeves for all I know. After standing there shocked for a while, I heard music come from the small object and snapped back to reality. I went back to my stool, watching Scar dance and sing as he washed the dishes. Sometimes I wondered how one singular person could have so much joy and energy in them. I had finally had a good(ish) night's sleep without waking up after God knows how long and I still felt like I could pass out at any moment. I guess I'm like one of those phones whose battery just refuses to charge and drains nearly 10 times faster than other phones.

I vibed with the music while I was captivated by my daydreams. Soon enough the music stopped and Scar had finished the dishes. He put his little radio back in his top hat before putting it on. I followed him to the front door. "Bye Scar." I said with slight disappointment. "Bye Gri, I'll come back later with groceries. Next time I make you food it won't have to be made with six month old ingredients!" He burst out into a short laughing fit. I looked at him with a mixture of confusion and disbelief in my eyes. When he saw my face his expression became serious. "Are yo-" I cut him off, "Six m-months!?" I couldn't believe it! Had it really been six months? I mean I knew a lot of time passed by and it felt like years but six months. Six! "W-well more like five and three quarters but uhm... well.. yeah." He scratched the back of his neck, shifting his weight uncomfortably. I didn't know what to say so I just stood there silently. "Well, I guess I'll go now. See you later G" Scar said, putting on his shoes and leaving my house.

{???'s POV}

I watched as Scar left Grian's house. What was he doing there? But most importantly, why did Grian's let him in? A mix of fury and jealousy hit me when I realized that he slept there. His clothes were all wrinkled and his hair was messy. Plus, now that I think about it, those were the same clothes he was wearing yesterday! My brows formed a wide V in anger. First Mumbo, now Scar, when is he going to notice ME! Why can't he just love ME for a change!? I felt like I was about to explode with rage any second so I went back home. I had to come up with a plan to make sure Scar leaves Grian alone, and I need to do it quick. There doesn't need to be another Mumbo accident, let's just hope Scar sees that.

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