Chapter 10

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So I'm the kind of person who likes to think big (I'm far too ambitious) and well I might make a story for Iskall's adventure where they meet someone from the Empires smp and basically link this story to the flower husbands story I'm working on. Anyways this chapter is filled with scarian to make up for the lack of scarian in the previous chapter(s), enjoy! :) (68)

{Scar's POV}

After Grian let me in his house for the first time everything in the world just seemed to go super speed. It had only just calmed down after Iskall confessed the truth about what happened to Mumbo. It had been about two weeks now and in those two weeks we finally saw each other for a few hours without either one of us crying at some point or having a really awkward encounter. It was nice. Really nice.

A lot of the other hermits were still pretty shaken up by what happened and the fact no one had seen Iskall since. Stress had told everyone that when she went to their house they were leaving and they didn't plan on ever coming back. She and Ren were probably the ones who were still in pretty bad shape and were taking it the worse. Ren wanted to go after Iskall but Stress convinced him not to, she said it wouldn't change anything or make it better. And that's all I learned from being sweet, sociable Scar.

I walked up to Grian's house and knocked on the door enthusiastically. He'd seemed to have cheered up a lot since the first time I came. He'd be less sad throughout the day even if he didn't sleep much. How did I know he didn't sleep much, you ask? Well that would be because I almost always receive a bunch of messages during the night. I would wake up to my communicator buzzing with Grian asking me if I wanted to come over. I mean, I would say yes but he sends that at like 3am, I barely have enough energy to pick up my communicator at 3am!

"Scar!" He jumped into my arms excitedly and I barely caught him in time. "Well hello there." I laughed as I lowered him to the ground. He smiled, took my hand, and dragged me into his room. He climbed up on his bed to try and reach a shelf above it. He was still a good bit too short to reach it though and I chuckled to myself. "Need some help?" I offered, but he shook his head, "I've done it before, I can do it again! How did I do  it though?" He grumbled to himself before looking around for ways to boost his height.

Something seemed to click in his brain, as if he'd just remembered something really important. He then folded both his pillows in half and stacked them on top of each other, creating an incredibly unstable surface he was about to climb to reach the shelf. (totally not how I reach things :,) Worry immediately took over my body and I scooted closer and held my arms out, ready to catch him if he were to fall. I was glad I did so because as soon as he grabbed what he was searching for, he destabilized and my hands grabbed his waist, lowering him down into my lap gently.

We stayed like that for a while. Maybe it was out of surprise, maybe because it was oddly comfortable, maybe it was because it strangely felt right, maybe it was a mix of all three. He was just sitting peacefully on my lap, both of my hands placed on either side of his waist. We were both just looking in each other's eyes, faces redder than tomatoes. It took a bit before we snapped out of it. Grian slid off my lap shyly,

"So... uh, I got this for you!" His face brightened once more and his eyes lit up as he handed me a small box. It was so beautiful, it was painted like a desert and the top part was painted like the sky, so when you open it, it's like lifting the sky. There was a pretty castle on top of a hill in the desert. It was gorgeous and I loved it. "Did you paint this!?" I asked, admiring every single little detail.

"I made it from scratch, so yes, I painted it too." He spoke proudly and I could see why. I had only now realized how perfect the box was, no edges stuck out and it was a very useful size. I smiled at the blonde beside me, "It's amazing, I love it!" he chuckled. "Open it!" My jaw half dropped, "You made this gorgeous box for me and you put something inside?!" He blushed slightly, "Well, when you say it like that-"

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