Chapter 23

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{Tango's POV}

As I left Grian's house I had a plan in mind, and it definitely wasn't blocking Scar from texting him. I was going straight to Scar's to get the answers he wouldn't give me. Scar's messages weren't mean in any way either, he just wanted to know if Grian was okay. Almost all of his texts were either him apologizing, asking Grian if he was okay, or telling him that he misunderstood. I felt really bad for Scar and each text simply made my curiosity grow stronger and stronger. Last time I saw them they seemed so close and there was no doubt in my mind that Scar looked at Grian with nothing but love in his eyes. Grian looked at him the same way, too, so what could have possibly happened to drive them so far apart?

I sighed as Scar's house came into view. I felt myself unintentionally start walking faster and faster towards it. I soon reached the tall building and knocked on the door loudly. I could hear the sounds of feet hastily shuffling inside before a hopeful looking Scar opened the door. His expression switched to utter disappointment when he realized I wasn't the short blonde he was hoping for. I could see the same signs of crying on his face as I could on Grian's, though his were slightly less visible due to the more tan coloured skin of his.

"Oh hey, Tango, come in." He said as he motioned for me to come inside and sniffled softly as I did so. He closed the door behind me and a not so genuine smile covered his lips as he guided me to his couch. "What brings you here?" He said as he looked away to wipe his eyes. I immediately frowned at the sad states both if my friends were in. "I was just over at Grian's house since he needed my help with something and it came to my attention that something happened between the two of you, but he won't tell me what it is. I was wondering if you could shine some light on the topic?" He closed his eyes sadly and I could see a few tears dripping down his cheeks slowly.

"Well, I guess I could." He glanced at me before his gaze landed back on the ground shyly. He then went on to explain to me how Grian had confessed his feelings for him and how he couldn't tell Grian he felt the same until it was too late and the other had assumed Scar didn't feel the same way he did. The story and how emotional Scar got about it triggered some of my own feelings and a tear rolled down my cheek. Scar's feelings about Grian were so raw and pure and he was just laying them all out on the table for me to hear, and soon for Grian himself to hear.

I couldn't stand seeing both of them crying over each other because they were unable to tell each other how much they truly loved each other, so I wasn't going to. I was going to bring them together. Hopefully this wouldn't go off the rails. I looked Scar in the eyes as he finished venting to me. My lips curled into a plotting smirk, "What if I brought you to him? That way you could tell him how you actually feel." He gave me the look I assume heros get when they just saved someone's life and that alone was enough to make my whole day. "You would do that for me?"

"Of course I would Scar, I even have the perfect plan." A hopeful smile landed on his face, "I'm listening." I held the same hopeful expression as him. "Well, he asked me to fix something on his communicator so he's expecting me to arrive at his house without warning in the next week. I was thinking that I could bring you along with me and then you could tell him." I spoke joyfully as I realized this plan was actually pretty good for how little thought I put into it. "Woah, that's genius!" Scar smiled in amazement and I smiled back.

"When do you want to go?" I asked him as I looked at the time on Grian's communicator. "How about tomorrow? That way he'll think you had a reasonable amount of time to work on his communicator." I looked at him with slight pride in him, "That's actually really smart." He laughed a bit before curiosity took over, "What does he even want done on his communicator? I thought he had the most recent model with all things in tip top shape?" I looked around awkwardly, not sure how to respond without telling Scar Grian wanted to block him and hurt his feelings more than they already were.

"Oh uh, just something with his Commap." Scar looked at me with a puzzled expression before the gears clicked in his head. "Oh, I think I understand." He looked away from me to wipe his eyes. "I think you should get going now, it was lovely seeing you though." I heard his voice crack and his sniffles break through his words as he spoke to me. I felt bad even though I wasn't the one who came up with the idea. "Yeah you're right, I should probably leave now. It was great seeing you too, Scar." And with that I was swiftly out of his house and on my way to mine.

{Scar's POV}

I woke up with a nervous feeling I wasn't a fan of. What if this whole thing falls apart and it's back to square one with Grian? Oh come on Scar, stop thinking the worst! With that in mind I got up from my bed and quickly got dressed. I tried my best to fix up my face a little, although it wasn't as bad or visible as yesterday. I think a good night's sleep helped a lot. As soon as I was fully ready to go outside I went to collect and restock my shops while I waited for Tango to be ready. I hadn't left my house in five days now which is something I'm not sure I've ever done before.

When I checked the stock Cherry had, it was as I suspected. It was almost all sold out. I collected all my profits from both of my shops and then I was on the annoying task of going to the warehouse where everything of mine is stored and produced to get more stock so I could actually restock my shops. As I was restocking the last few items Cherry needed Tango paid me a visit and asked if I was ready. I told him to wait for me at the fountain since I had a few more boxes to fill. Now I was fully done restocking my shops and I was headed to the water fountain.

"Hey, Tango! Are you ready?" I said as I got closer to where he was sitting. "Oh, yeah, are you?" I smiled and nodded, but noticed he didn't have Grian's communicator when he got up. "Are you not going to bring him his communicator back?" He looked at me with a puzzled expression before realizing he'd forgotten it. "Right! Communicator, definitely didn't forget about that part." I laughed as he ran away frantically. I sat on the bench staring into my reflection from the water fountain. I smiled widely as a thought crossed my head, If all of this goes well, I might get to kiss him.

Tango came back shortly after holding the communicator up above his head in pride. I giggled, "Okay, let's go now." He nodded in response and our walk to Grian's was an uncomfortable kind of quiet as we were both deep in thought. Thankfully, Grian's house came into view after a bit and this silence would me broken. When we got to the doorstep Tango signaled for me to knock on the door, but I responded by mimicking his movements. I knew Grian would recognize my knock and he might not even open the door if he hears it. Tango seemed slightly confused but he knocked on the door anyways.

The sounds of sniffling and little feet moving towards the door could be heard before Grian quickly opened the door. He opened it just wide enough to see Tango, then he pushed it far enough to see me too. His expression quickly changed from sadness to just pure shock. He froze for a little bit and that was enough time for me to get a good look at him. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and there were still some tears slowly gliding down the premade tracks stained onto his cheeks. He was wearing my sweater with shorts who were completely covered by it and thigh high white and green horizontally striped socks.

My heart melted in a bad way at the sight of the one I love the most looking so sad. He whispered my name softly in an inquisitive manner, placing a hand over his mouth. He gave me a look of distress I didn't understand. Then, with nothing but a sniffle he shook his head helplessly, grabbed his doorknob, and shut the door right in mine and Tango's faces.


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