Chapter 19

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{Grian's POV}

I was softly woken up by Scar who was kneeling in front of me on the floor and whispering my name hesitantly. I rubbed my eyes and got up slowly. I had been laying on the foot of his bed. "Are we-" I yawned "-ready to go?" He nodded and I stood on my feet to stretch my entire body. I noticed he wasn't wearing a hat or anything on his head. I tilted my head curiously, "You're not gonna wear a hat?" His hands instantly flew to his chocolate coloured hair and his eyes widened. He rushed to his closet and pulled out a black cowboy hat that fit his black jeans perfectly.

"Now we're really ready!" He exclaimed cheerfully as he grabbed my hand and led us out of his house. Soon enough we were in front of Tango's house and Scar let me knock on the door. When he opened the door he looked shocked. "Oh my god! Grian?" I giggled, "No, I'm Grien." I teased and he shook his head playfully. "Come in, both of you!" He waved Scar and I into his house. It was a pretty nice place and you entered right into the living room. "You guys can slip off your shoes and sit on the couch, I'll be with you in a second." Tango said as he scurried into a different room. I did as he said and so did Scar. Then I scooted closer to Scar to make sure Tango didn't try and sit between us.

He came back shortly with a pitcher filled with dark red liquid. He placed it on the coffee table in front of us and sat next to me. "I hope you like blackberry and cherry juice! It's the only non-water drink I had." I looked at the drink curiously, I'd never had it and it sounded pretty good so what's the harm in trying? "I'll try some!" I smiled brightly and then Scar said, "Me too, please." Tango then poured each of us a glass and asked me easy questions like what I'd been up to lately at the same time.

We held up some lighthearted chatter for a while before he started asking me more serious questions. I tried not to think about it too much and to just answer the questions as best I could without going into too many details. Scar was also very invested in the conversation since I hadn't told him about this either. I really appreciated him for that, I'm sure he had to have been incredibly curious but he never asked me about it.

We talked, joked, laughed, and overall had a great time until about 19 when Scar and I decided it was probably time to go back home. "Bye Tango!" I waved as I stepped through the doorframe. "Bye Grian! We should do this again sometime!" And with that I was off to my house,or at least I wanted to be. "Scar, I'm kind of lost, which way am I supposed to go again?" He giggled a little bit, "It's that way. I'll see you another time, bye Grian!" Scar pointed in one direction and started walking in a different direction. "Bye Scar!" I frowned as I started walking back in the direction of my home. I didn't really want to be alone because all I can seem to do is think when I'm alone.

After a decent length walk I could see my house come into view. I sighed in relief, finally. I headed for my room almost instantly and curled up in a ball on my bed. That's when I realized that I was still wearing Scar's hoodie. It was super comfortable and I didn't really want to give it back. Maybe I could give it back tomorrow, that would give me a reason to see him again and I'd be able to sleep in it tonight. I smiled and giggled at the thought. I get to wear his hoodie to bed! I undid myself from the ball I'd previously formed and entered my bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I went back to bed, hoping I could fall asleep as fast as I did back at Scar's. And I did.

I was in a black void with absolutely nothing around me, the only normal thing was I was still me and I had a body. When I looked up again I wasn't alone anymore. I was with myself. In front of me, stood another me. I was incredibly confused, and that only got worse when he started talking to me.

"Grian, listen to me and then you have to wake up. As you can see, I'm you. Or more specifically, I'm your mind. I'm the collection of all the parts of your brain and we've got something to tell you. So, we, this we referring to you and I, so what you overall know as you, have learned the hard way that sometimes waiting can only make things worse." When I, or my brain, paused I tried to speak but I couldn't. Why am I not complete right now?

"Grian, you're currently brainless and let me tell you, it shows. We're your brain, there isn't multiple of us and if we're here we can't be in your body at the same time. This is why we decided to do this when you were sleeping, so we could have a face to face without slicing your head open." That actually makes a lot of sense.

"Of course it does! Anyways, tonight is the full moon and we remember a beautiful spot next to a river that would be perfect for a midnight picnic date. We still have all that picnic equipment from that time we joined a hippie commune so that's perfect, and, we have our emergency candles for, well, emergencies. We can also make sandwiches, it's the perfect setup to tell Scar we love him!" Woah, you're right!

"Time to wake up now, G"

And with that my eyes flew open and I burst out of bed. I don't know the actual coordinates so I'd just have to message him to meet me at my house and then I'd take him somewhere. But not immediately, I needed time to set up the area before he met me here. I took my communicator from my bedside table and when I opened it, Commap was already open on Scar's contact. Maybe I text him a little bit too much. Eh, I don't care, texting him is fun.

'Hey Scar! How are you?'

He texted me back shortly after,

'Uh, sleepy?'

That's when I realized that he might say no since he was sleepy. Why was he sleepy though? We even slept during the day, how could he still be sleepy?

'Oh, well, I wanted to know if you'd meet me at my house later?'

I didn't have very high hopes anymore, but you never know.

'I'm sorry Gri, I'm too tired, how about tomorrow? We can even do the same time. Which happens to be 1 in the morning, how am I not surprised?'

I giggled at that last part, I do tend to ask him to hangout during the middle of the night.

'Okay, that works. Good night Scar, sorry for waking you up!'

'It's okay. Sweet dreams Grian.'

At least I'd be able to do it tomorrow. I ran my fingers over the small electronic screen where Scar messaged 'Sweet dreams'. I smiled and held it close to my chest as I sat down on my bed, then laid down and put the covers over me. That was the weirdest dream I've ever had, I can't say it was a bad one though. It was odd, but helpful, and tomorrow I was going to tell Scar I love him. I was going to do it because I can, I know I can. No more cowardly I love yous that he can't even hear. I was going to look him right in the eyes and say those words loud and clear.

I love you Scar.


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