Chapter 11

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"Maybe I do." He mumbled quietly.

I saw the heat turn his cheeks a pinkish colour as he fiddled with his fingers. I smiled at how adorable he was. I have to admit, I wasn't too repulsed by the idea, in fact, it sounded quite nice. Except that I like to spend major parts of my days outside and talking to people. Maybe he'd want to go outside if I asked?

"Do you, uh.. do you want to go outside with me?" His gaze shifted towards me hastily. "Outside?" His voice was weary and I couldn't help but feel stupid for asking. But maybe he wanted to go though. "Well, we could take our elytras and fly somewhere new. I know how much you love flying!" I answered nervously, I really hope this didn't ruin anything. He seemed to be considering it so I was slightly relieved. "I do love flying... and I haven't been outside in a long time.... Yes!! Let's go!!!" He got up on his bed and jumped on it excitedly.

I felt incredibly relieved and happy that he said yes. "I just have to go home quickly and grab my elytra, I'll be back in no time." I said as I pushed myself off the bed. "No sir!" I turned my head at him and he jumped off the bed and grabbed my hand. He then lead us to his front door where he opened his closet to reveal about 6 different elytras with all sorts of colours and patterns. "Pick your poison!" He smiled as he picked up what I can only assume was his favorite elytra since he use to wear it all the time.

It kind of looked like parrot wings with red at the top, yellow in the middle, and blue at the bottom. I picked the one with the enderman face pattern since it looked exactly like the one I have back home. "What about-" I cut myself off when he lifted the floorboards at the bottom of his closet to reveal thousands of rockets. His face lit up as he grabbed a few stacks, I did the same and we were ready to head off into the distance. We decided to go the direction the back of his house was in, south west, since there wouldn't be any more houses that way.

As we soared through the sky, Grian looked the happiest I've ever seen him. It was like the wind blew off with all his negative emotions and he was just... free. He was agile, too. He would do all sorts of tricks in the air. The two he did most often were flying upside down and spinning in circles as he flew. It was truly marvelous to watch him fly, and it distracted me without fail since I didn't realize how much more speed than me he had. I popped a rocket then flew down next to him. He said something but I couldn't hear it because of the wind roaring in my ears.

"WHAT?!" I yelled back. He simply shook his head and giggled before using a rocket and swooping down. I did the same and caught a glimpse of him landing majestically on the ground beneath us. This caused me to land a little less majestically as I wasn't paying attention to how close to the ground I was. I landed flat on my stomach and winced in pain. Grian immediately ran to my side.

"Oh my- Scar! Are you okay?!" He hugged me tightly and quietly muttered, "Why does everyone I love get hurt!" My face immediately went red, I don't think I was supposed to hear that. "I'm okay, Gri, I just got a little distracted." I giggled a little and he raised a brow. He got up and looked around him. We were in a huge plains biome and had been for ages, there was nothing else than flat grass for miles. "By... what?" He looked at me suspiciously. I panicked and blurted out, "Scenery!?" He laughed, "Scar we've seen nothing but grass for hours."

Before I could even think about how to respond, my mouth was moving, "Well I see you!" His face lit up a bright pink colour and upon realizing what I'd just said, so did mine. "I mean-" He giggled, "Were you admiring the view of me?" He asked knowingly. My blush deepened and I looked away shyly since I knew there was no getting away from this. "Y-yes." I stuttered, I felt slightly embarrassed even though he was a sight to admire.

I hadn't seen him outside in the glow of sunlight since we really started talking. His already deep gold hair illuminated a bright golden colour and his smile sparkled like his sapphire blue eyes. He was wearing his iconic red sweater with black skinny jeans and a pair of red adidas shoes. From the ground he seemed to be towering over me which was quite an interesting view since I was usually the one towering over him. I sat up on the ground and he sat next to me.

"Are we taking a break?" I looked at him with slight confusion, "You want to go further?"

"Well duh! I want to see what lies beyond this stupid plains biome!" He lifted his arms in the air like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Okay then, yeah we're taking a break." I looked around me and suddenly felt lost. "I have no idea which way to go though." He pointed in a direction that felt random, but I trusted his sense of direction a lot more than mine. "We're going that way, and, we probably don't have that much left." I looked over at him skeptically. "How do you know that?"

He shrugged, "I don't, just a guess." We both burst out into a fit of giggles. "Let's go, we don't want to be flying around at night." I said as I got back up and brushed the dirt off my elytra. "If you don't want to fly around at night we'd have to go home now. Even then I'm not sure we'd make it before nightfall." My eyes widened, "Wait what?!" He prepared for takeoff, "We can build a shelter once we're out of this land, the longer you wait the less time we have though." He winked at me and just like that he was in the air. I followed suit and soon enough we were soaring through the air once more.

To my surprise, he was right, and soon enough a huge jungle came into view. The trees were unbelievably tall and their leaves looked like giant green clouds. Grian lowered his speed with sharp turns in midair so he could have a smooth landing in one of the bigger trees. I did the same and landed in the same tree. This time I was a lot more cautious and made sure to land softly and not on Grian.

"We made it!" He yelled enthusiastically. It took me a while to respond since I was practically hypnotized by the tree we were sitting in. The leaves were so thick and there were so many of them that we weren't falling through and it was oddly comfortable. "Are we sleeping up here?" He smiled so innocently. "We sure are!" I looked around and then back at him. Sure, it was beautiful and one of my dreams to sleep in a tree, but I was thinking more of a tree house with a bed and blankets and all that good stuff. "But we have no blankets? Or food? And you said we would build a shelter? This isn't a shelter!" He put his index finger on his chin and his middle finger under it while partially sucking his bottom lip in his mouth. This was by far the cutest thinking stance ever.

"Well, I can be your blanket! If we need to we can go lower in the tree and the leaves will be our shelter, and there's a bunch of yummy berries in here!" I blushed at the thought of Grian as my blanket. It wouldn't be the first time since last time he ended up cuddling up on to me. What he had said made sense though and we were already here so I couldn't argue. "Sounds like a plan." He was suddenly hugging me and it took me a little bit to realize what was happening and hug him back with a small chuckle. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" He pulled away and had a huge grin on his face. "For what?"

"For taking me outside, dummy!" He giggled adorably and I couldn't help but start laughing too. We talked about nothing and everything at the same time. Things like our childhoods and then things like how beautiful the sunset was. We ended up staying up until the sun fully set and we could see the moon rise. The stars started becoming more and more visible as the sky darkened. Grian's head was on my shoulder and I gently rested mine on his. It was so quiet and peaceful and I couldn't imagine having this moment with anyone other than Grian. My eyes grew heavy as I stared into the starry night with the one I love the most.


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