Chapter 8

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{Ren's POV}

After my short conversation at Mumbo's grave I rushed home. Worry couldn't even begin to compare to what I was feeling. As soon as I opened the door I started searching for my roommate. "Doc!!" I called out, hoping my partner would hear me. And he did. The black haired boy rushed to my side when he saw my distressed expression. "Ren?! What's going on?" He held me tightly as I began to sob into his shoulder. "I know what happened to Mumbo!" My voice was muffled by his body, but he heard me. "What?" His voice sounded so confused, "Let's go to the living room." He closed the door behind me, picked me up, and brought me to the living room where he sat me down between his legs. My back laid perfectly on top of his chest and he wrapped his arms around me comfortingly.

"Tell me what happened, and take all the time you need." His deep voice calmed me down a little but I was still scared out of my mind. "I don't have time!" I whined, gripping his sweater tightly. "Yes, yes you do." He gently rubbed his head on mine. I sighed, trying to find the right words to say. "Mumbo- It was an accident, but it wasn't an accident either!" I turned my head to look at Doc, he seemed confused but signaled me to keep going. "H-he was pushed! A-and then he f-fell!" I rolled up into a ball, taking the black and red eyed boy's human and robotic arm with me. "Wait what? Who pushed him?!" His voice was filled with shock and some anger. "I don't know!" I yelled in panic, "Well, I know but I can't tell you! That's not important right now though, I'm scared Doc! I think they're gonna do something really stupid!" I shifted positions suddenly, hugging my lover with all my force.

"Shh.. it's okay Ren, do you know where this person lives?" I nodded, not letting go of him. "Well you can go there and check up on them." He suggested optimistically. "N-no, I can't! W-what i-if...." I drifted off and my crying intensified. "We can go there together then, if you're okay with that." I nodded again, lifting my head from his chest and wiping the tears off of my face with the muddy hoodie I was wearing.

We headed off to the house in question after Doc made me shower and change my clothes. I protested almost the whole way through but was actually pretty thankful to be in clean clothes and freshly washed hair. As I lead the tall boy to the person's house, he just seemed more and more confused. I started to wonder if he'd ever been here before. My suspicions were confirmed when he asked, "Who's house is this? I've never been here." I looked down at the floor and mumbled, "You'll see." as a response.

{Unknown POV}

I was almost done with writing these letters to everyone. It made me realize just how many hermits there are. I was writing Xisuma's invitation when I heard a knock at my door. I hastily pushed everything away, a poor attempt at trying to hide it, and rushed to fix my hair and clean up my clothes the best I could. It wasn't much but it was the best I could do. I opened the door slowly, poking my head out to see who it was.

"Doc?" I asked surprised. He spoke my name, just as surprised as I was. I then saw Ren tugging at his arm softly and this whole thing made a lot more sense. I opened the door for them both to come in and Ren looked so relieved to see me. I sat down at the single seat table and motioned for them to sit on the nearby couch if they desired. Ren sat down while Doc stayed completely still after closing the door behind them. He seemed too shocked to say or do anything. I'm guessing Ren didn't tell him who I was by name. I sighed, resuming what I was doing before the couple arrived. The brown haired boy curiously lifted his head to get a better look at what I was doing, before just asking me. "What are you doing?" He got up from the couch and dragged his boyfriend to the comfortable piece of furniture.

"Writing invitations." I answered blandly. His curious expression remained so I proceeded, "I'm inviting every single hermit to a very important meeting." I finished Xisuma's invitation and moved on to Etho's. After this one I'd only have Stress, Axel (Evil X), Bdubz, Cub, and finally, Scar. The room was awkwardly silent until Doc spoke up for the first time. "What are you going to do?" His voice was hesitant and protective at the same time. "What I should've done the day it happened. I'm going to make things right, I swear." I mumbled as I focused intently on my letters. "And what does that entail?" He asked with concern leaking through his voice. I remained quiet. I was on Axel's invite and it felt like every letter getting closer to Scar's was more and more painful. I should've done his first.

No words were exchanged and I finished my letters fairly quickly until I got to Scars. A tear gently dropped down my cheek and onto the thick piece of paper. I watched as it sank into the material. He and Grian are awfully close now, and I was inviting him to a meeting where I would have to tell him, and plenty of others, I was the reason why he's secluded himself for the past few months. I decided to write the same thing as the others, along with a 'I'm so sorry.' at the bottom. I didn't sign my name on any of the cards, I didn't want anyone coming to me asking what this was about before the 'event' took place. I dug out the invites I had made for the two awkwardly looking at me in complete silence. I gave them the letters then quickly left to deliver the rest.

Trying to avoid and hide from all the hermits hadn't always been easy, I also had to make sure I was silent so that if they were home they wouldn't see me. I had double checked that I had all the letters and stacked them at the same time when I got out of my house. So I was handing them out in the same order that I wrote them. I had no trouble hiding from the hermits since my clothes half blended in with my environment and I'd gotten pretty good at staying hidden. That was until I got to Scars house. I was right at his doorstep and just about to put the letter in the mailbox attached to his house when he walked out holding a couple of books.

"Ooh! Is it for me?" He said, looking at the letter in my hand. I looked at him, so happy and carefree, then back at the letter in my hand, so sorrowful and heartbreaking. I nodded and placed the letter on top of the books he was carrying. "I'm so so sorry." Was all I said before I ran back home.

{Grian's POV}

I heard someone kick my door and I confusedly put my book down to check it out. Upon opening my door I noticed a very encumbered Scar holding a pile of books and a letter with his hands and his chin. I simply let him in, not questioning why he hadn't just put the books under his arms or something. He immediately dropped off the books at the coffee table before letting out a short 'woo'. I closed the door and joined him in my living room. He was holding a letter in his hands and seemed awfully confused by it.

"Someone was dropping this off when I left my house to come here." He held the small piece of paper up to my eye level. "It has a date, time, location, and the words 'I'm so sorry.' I'm pretty sure there's a tear drop on it too." The green eyed boy seemed bewildered by the invitation he received. "It's titled 'Very Important, Please Come', how odd." He chuckled slightly but I was too worried to move an inch. I collected myself and looked at him, concern written all over my face.

"Grian what's wrong?" He scooted closer to me on the couch as he said those words. "Who delivered it Scar?" He looked at me slightly confused, "What?" I took a deep breath full of fear. "Who is it from?!" My voice rose, tears begging to come out of my eyes. Concern was beginning to make its way onto his face as well.

[1485 Words]

A/N this is my first author's note :D Anyways, sorry there wasn't much scarian in the last two chapters I just needed to do something about this whole mystery person and such.

So, I made a cover for Closeted Love (if you don't know, that's the rendoc book I'm currently writing which takes place two years before my next scarian story) and I was wondering if I should make one for this book, or just keep the one I have? (which wasn't made by me) I really have no idea so I decided I'd ask for your opinions on it :)

So, I made a cover for Closeted Love (if you don't know, that's the rendoc book I'm currently writing which takes place two years before my next scarian story) and I was wondering if I should make one for this book, or just keep the one I have? (w...

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Closeted Love cover :>
Bbai lovelies <3

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