Chapter 13

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{Scar's POV}

I shot up in the sky with a rocket and onto the tree where Grian sat cross legged. I sat down next to him, "So, which way is home?" I asked with a monotone voice. He didn't answer, he simply just stared out in the same direction as when I arrived. I was a little worried but assumed he was just zoned out. "Is it that way?" I asked once more, pointing in the direction he was looking at. He slowly turned his face towards me and that's when I saw the visible red tear streaks down his cheeks. They contrasted perfectly with the pale, dead-like skin tone he'd adopted. I was startled, that wasn't exactly what I expected him to look like. He nodded and the took off. I followed suit in an awkward silence.

After a flight that took much longer than I would've liked Hermitland came back into view. Grian scurried into his house while I went back to mine. I was worried about him and what had happened up on that treetop but I needed time to process everything and I wasn't in the mood for a heavy discussion on secrets and lies. So when I got home I immediately went to my bedroom and took a needed nap.

{Grian's POV}

When I got home I felt physically sick. What have I done? Scar's done nothing but be nice to me since the very first time I met him and this is how I repay him? By lying to him? And for what? If he had asked me questions about the place that I didn't want to answer, I could've just told him and he probably wouldn't have asked again. He's a good person, a very good person, but I'm not. He deserves someone much better than me. Someone who won't lie to him just to keep their secrets safe.

Then it hit me.

What if he found the Cry Inn? He went in the right direction and if he traveled straight then there's no way he wouldn't have found it. But what if he found it and didn't go inside? What if he didn't even go far enough to find it? Oh please tell me he didn't read the books. I was beginning to freak out so I shook those thoughts out of my head and took deep breaths. I'm over thinking this. All I had to do was wait, he would come back when he was ready, it would all be fine.

And so I did.

I waited, and waited, and waited. I waited exactly 1 week. I had occasionally messaged him on our communicators to ask if he was okay but he never answered. I had then messaged a few of the other hermits about it and they all said that there was nothing out of the ordinary from what they could see. He still went outside into town to keep all his shops in tip top shape and he was still pretty social. I wish I could be happy that he's alright, but I was just sad. I needed him, I really, really needed him, but he didn't need me. He could still live his life the same way he always did even if I wasn't around. I wasn't ever around much though. Maybe it would be different if I was around?

The last week went by incredibly slowly since I didn't have much to do. I cried while reading the books Scar had brought me a few weeks prior, and I had some short little conversations with some of the other hermits. It felt good to talk to them even if the one I really wanted to talk to was Scar. All that lead me to this, this stupid idea I've gotten that I refuse to let go of. For the first time in many months I was going out of my house, and I was going to do it for the same reason I'd kept myself secluded in the first place, kind of. I was going to do it all in the name of love!

I had it all planned out and tomorrow was the day that would mark the end of my isolation. I wasn't really sure where Scar's house was though so that would take me a little bit of time to find. I knew just how to identify it though since I could recognize Scar's terraforming from a mile away. I've always admired his builds, but my favourite part was always the breathtaking landscapes he created for them. All I would have to do is run around for a little bit until I found the more residential-specific areas. I lived in a small secluded area and, if I remember correctly, Scar's house should be somewhere far in front of mine. At least that's the direction he always came from.

However, that meant I would have to go through the very busy shopping district, and even then it's not guaranteed that Scar would be at his house. I prepared a sweet little letter just in case he wasn't there, I just hope that if it comes to it, he'll see it and read it. I also had to mentally prepare myself because there was no way that none of the hermits would come up to me. I was thinking that maybe if I saw Tango he could give me more information on the whereabouts of Scar's home. I felt like I could trust him, he was nice and always seemed so genuine. Maybe he could be the first hermit I talk to when I 'come out of hibernation'. I laughed at the words, then sadness took over me again. It's what Scar had called it once.

It was late enough to go to bed though, so that's exactly what I did. Tomorrow was going to be a long and very eventful day. Hopefully it was also going to be a good day, I don't know what I'd do if Scar didn't want to be my friend anymore. Sure, it sounds extreme, but recently that's the signals I've gotten from him. He's not answering any of my messages and he's doing his thing like I don't exist. A single tear drop rolled down my cheek at the thought. I shook my head clear of any negative thoughts and just flopped onto my bed to go to sleep. It wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep. I hadn't had a good night's sleep since that night on the tree.

[1094 Words]

Okay, sorry for the short chapter but I really wanted a cliffhanger(ish?) And also I wanted to dedicate a whole chapter Grian leaving his house because I've been thinking about it for a while now. Like, since even before I started writing this story. Before I even had a title or a beginning to the story- before I had the idea to make Mumbo be no more.

If you're wondering, yes, I start planning stories from the end to the beginning. Anyways, bbai lovelies! <33

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