Chapter 21

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{Grian's POV}

I woke up to my blaring alarm, oh right, tonight is the night. I took in a deep breath, it's not too late to back out. But I won't do it! No. I have to go through with this. I love him and he needs to know. So I got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to give myself a pep talk and rehearse. "Come on Grian, you can do this! Just look at you, you're tiny and adorable, he's bound to like you back! Plus you guys pretty much act like more than friends anyways! This is gonna go just fine, it has to!" After that I went over what I wanted to tell him about a hundred times, making all the last minute tweaks to get it just right.

After that I made the sandwiches and put them in a straw basket. Now that I had all that ready, I just needed to go set it up outside. On that note I grabbed all the stuff I would need and headed to the cute area next to the river. I began by placing your average white and red plaid blanket on the ground and then setting the straw basket in the middle of it. After that I put four candles on each corner of it to guarantee it stays in place. They had different sizes too so the tallest was in the very corner, with two medium sized candles on each side and a small one in the middle. It was like a two sided spiral staircase made of candles.

Now that I thought about it, I could just ask him to meet me here instead. It might make this whole thing a little more intimate and romantic. With that in mind I quickly rushed back home so I could change and finalize my look. I wore what I would call a casual dark red velvet suit jacket with black skinny jeans and a white dress shirt underneath. I also wore a matte green tie to make the whole outfit even less professional looking, while still being presentable. I wore my typical red shoes for casuality and I would say that I was giving off the vibe that I wanted to.

I didn't look all that bad and you could tell I'd spent time improving my look without going over the top. I looked presentable, but not too formal, and whilst my hair had been brushed for the first time in forever, it still flowed freely. I was ready to go to the picnic and wait for Scar now. When I arrived it was close to 1am, but not quite there yet, so I decided I would message Scar. This was an action that usually woke him up so I wouldn't have to wait as long, and at the same time I didn't really want him to show up in his pajamas when I'm wearing the top half of a tuxedo with a tie and all that. Plus I needed to tell him where to meet me anyways, win win win situation.

'Hey Scar! Plans have changed just a little, can you meet me at -552, 9007?'
'Oh, and, wear something fancy but too formal!'

It wasn't long after that I received a response,

'Uhm, sure? But why do I have to dress up?'

'It's a surprise. See you soon!'

'Okay? See you, Gri.'

I grinned at my answer and the confusion I knew he was feeling. I felt excitement build up in my small body once more as I looked around. This was really happening, I was going to tell Scar I love him in this very spot. The mischievous smirk on my lips unintentionally turned into a fond smile. Even if he didn't feel the same way, I couldn't be angry. Simply having him in my life is a blessing I don't deserve.

As time passed my nerves started to build up and thoughts like 'What if he doesn't even show up?' Flooded into my head. I tried to ignore them the best I could, there was no way he would stand me up. He's not that type of guy, he's way too kind and sweet to do something like that. With that thought in mind I started to ease and patiently wait for his appearance, tapping my fingertips lightly on my thigh as I did so.

{Scar's POV}

I looked around my closet with slight panic. What was all of this about? Why did I have to dress up, but not look too formal? It was all very confusing but I had told Grian I would meet him tonight. He sent me coordinates I didn't really recognize, but they weren't too far from my house so I was glad I wouldn't have to roam the lands during the night for too long. I eventually settled on a pair of forest green pants with a white dress shirt tucked into them and a black leather belt to tie it all together. I would say I looked quite elegant, and I thought about wearing a hat like I usually do but I decided against it since it would most likely ruin my attire. I trusted Grian and didn't mind if he saw the not-so-pretty parts of me anyways.

I looked back down at my communicator and noticed it was past 1am already so that meant I was late. I started fiddling with my hair nervously, what if he thought I was overdressed? Or the opposite, that I was underdressed? What if he was mad that I was late? I quickly made my way to my front door were I put on my shoes and grabbed a flashlight, rushing to the coordinates he'd sent. The moon was absolutely gorgeous and round which made me wonder if today was the full moon. As I approached -552, 9007, I could see the faint glow of candles in the distance.

As I got even closer, Grian's silhouette become visible to me as well. Once I was close enough to see the whole thing he'd set up for us I was absolutely breathless. It was such a mesmerizing sight, the moonlight reflecting off of the tips of the currents of the river. The picnic setup he'd prepared itself was simple yet it fit perfectly with the many different kinds of flowers surrounding it. Then there was Grian himself, the most gorgeous sight of this whole world. The clothes he was wearing perfectly suited the guidelines he'd given me, fancy without being too formal.

I stood there for a while, just admiring him and how handsome he looked right now, before I sat down in front of him. He held a fond look in his eyes as his gaze slowly inspected me. "You look beautiful, Scar." He said as his sapphire eyes landed on my emerald green ones. I felt blush creep up on my face, he was oddly confident, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." I smiled kindly and he let out a small giggle. That adorable sound I loved so much. I suddenly regretted all the times I'd said no when he asked to hang out at random hours of the night.

"So, this is what a midnight meet up with Grian looks like?" I teased as I looked around, taking in the beauty surrounding me once more. "For you, yes." He answered ever so softly. In that moment I felt so cherished, he would only do something like this for me? "Are you feeling hungry?" He asked as he opened the straw basket sitting in the middle of the blanket, redirecting my attention to him. He pulled out some delicious looking  sandwiches cut in small triangles. "I am, actually." I stated as I looked at the food he'd prepared for us.

We stayed there eating in peaceful silence underneath the starry sky for a while. Our eyes would occasionally meet and we'd hold the eye contact for a short amount of time before going back to eating the cute sandwiches. Even though no words were exchanged, it was still such a meaningful moment. When both of us finished our food he looked at me with loving eyes and smiled fondly. I stared back at him, mirroring his sweet expression.

"Scar, there's something I have to tell you. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time now, but I just didn't have the right words, and I was scared to." Although I had a pretty good idea where this was going, I was still quite surprised that it was really happening. He took in a deep breath before continuing. "I first realized it when you came to deliver Tango's gift to me, it clicked when I was holding you tight. If you don't feel the same way it's okay, I completely understand. I just needed to tell you that I'm in love you, Scar. I have been for a long time now and it's time I came clean."


[1515 Words]

I was originally going to finish this chapter and post it yesterday but I finally got my AO3 invitation! So I stayed up all night reading Scarian- anyways this chapter's here now, I hope you enjoyed it!

The chapters for this book might slow down or speed up cause I've recently fallen back into a dark place and haven't decided whether I don't wanna do anything, or wanna lock myself in my room writing fanfics all day.

Anyways, bbai lovelies! <33

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