Chapter 27

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{Grian's POV}

When I woke up I was absolutely amazed. That was the craziest dream I've ever had, it felt so real too. I turned to look at my alarm and it was going to ring in 7 minutes, Mumbo would probably be awake already. So I got out of bed and rushed to the kitchen where Mumbo was eating cereal and mum was making dinner early since she'd be working late tonight. I ran up to Mumbo, "Mumbo, Mumbo! I had a dream where I was in love with you and you died!" He spat out his cereal quite violently.

"What?! Grian that's so weird!" I looked at him with a small frown. "It wasn't weird, it was filled with strangers. Except for you." He still looked really creeped out. "Well you, my little brother, just came up to me and told me you had a dream where you were in love with me and I died, that's weird!" I shrugged and he shook his head in disappointment. Then my alarm started ringing loud enough to be heard in the dining room. "Grian, honey, go reset your alarm and get dressed, then you can tell your brother all about your dream." Mum said as she gave me a warm smile.

I then headed back to my room and unknowingly opened the door and stepped in. The alarm was blaring in my ears and terrible flashbacks rushed into my head. I fell to my knees and put my hands to my ears, trying desperately to block the horrible sound. Soon I saw feet walk across my room and then it was gone. Mumbo was standing in front of me, hand reaching out for me to hold. I did so and he pulled me back to my feet. "It's okay, Grian, it's over now." He said as he held me closer to him. I nodded and wiped the remaining tears off of my face.

"Now, go get ready and then you can tell me all about your dream." I smiled and nodded once more, this time adding, "Thanks Mumbo." After that he simply smiled back at me and walked out of my room. As I was putting on the same big red sweater I always wore I could hear mum and Mumbo arguing. They never got along very well, but this time it was about me. "Why would you get him to stop the alarm? You know what he's been through!" I could faintly hear Mumbo shout from the dining room. "I wasn't thinking!" Mum yelled back. "Seems like you don't do that very often these days!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what it's supposed to mean."

After that their voices died down and I started brushing my teeth. I never understood why he didn't like mum, she was never mean to us. Or at least she never tried to be. I always figured he knew something about her that I didn't, he was 3 years older than me after all. I finished brushing my teeth and went straight to the kitchen where Mumbo was now cleaning up the cereal he'd spat out earlier. I sat down at the seat in front of his. "Ready to hear about my dream?" I said excitedly, almost jumping up on my seat. He giggled softly, "Ready as I'll ever be."

"Well, hm, how do I put this. You were dead, obviously, and-"

"What do you mean obviously!? Are you saying I'm dead in all your dreams?" He questioned defensively with a hint of sadness. "No no no, it's just that I already told you that you were dead!" He looked at me skeptically, "That doesn't make it any better." I rolled my eyes, "Let me finish!" He rolled his eyes back at me playfully. "Fine, keep going." I giggled excitedly, "Well you weren't just dead, someone killed you. They did it because they loved me and I loved you, but they didn't mean to do it, it was an accident." I paused to think of how to say the rest and Mumbo took that as the end of it. "What kind of a dream is that?"

"An unfinished one! I'll tell you when it's over, but stay quiet until then." I shook my head disapprovingly. "You weren't the focus of my dream, it was this pretty boy named Scar." I laid my head in my hand lovingly at the memory of the handsome Scar from my dream. Mumbo saw this and whistled in a not so subtle way. I glared at him playfully before continuing to describe my dream to him. I didn't go into too much detail about it all, but I told him all about Scar and how beautiful he was. He seemed quite amused by my action packed.... love dream?

"That's quite the dream you had." He said as soon as I told him it was over. I nodded joyfully. It was one I hope I wouldn't forget any time soon. "We'd better start heading to school though, we might be late otherwise." I jumped out of my seat, "Wait is it close to first period already?! I don't wanna be late on my first day!" I rushed to go put on my shoes which earned a small laugh from Mumbo as he grabbed both of our backpacks and lunch boxes. "Can't be forgetting these." He handed me my stuff and then he put on his shoes as well. Soon after that we were off in the direction of the school.

{Scar's POV}

I woke up in a rush, woah. Was that really all a dream? It felt so real though. That's crazy, I have to tell Cub. "Cub, Cub! Oh my god, Cub!" I screamed as I shot up from my bed. He instantly burst through the door, "Scar!? What's wrong?" He looked at me with wide, concerned eyes. "I just had the craziest dream ever!" Cub sighed deeply in relief. "Jeez, don't scare me like that Scar." He said as he came to sit next to me on my bed. "What was it about?"

"Well, it was really odd. There was this guy who was pushed off a cliff and then died, then there was this other guy that stayed in his house for six months because he was in love with the dead guy, he was so gorgeous." Cub raised a brow at me, "The dead guy?" I shook my head profusely, "What? No! The other guy, Grian, the one who locked himself in his house." He laughed at me a little and then I continued the story of my dream.

I made sure to spare no details when it came to the adorable little Grian. "I think you have too much imagination." Is what Cub said when I told him I'd finished the story. I rolled my eyes in response, to which he giggled. "Let's go get breakfast, we have to get to school soon after anyways." I nodded and then both of us got off my bed and headed towards the dining room. On the table was two plates with toast on them, one of which was already half eaten, so I took the plate next to it.

When Cub and I finished our food we cleaned our plates, grabbed our backpacks and lunches, then got on our bikes and headed to school. "You excited for your first day back at school?" Cub asked from the bike not far in front of me. "Not really." I answered honestly. I didn't mind school, it was more of the people in it I wasn't a fan of. I didn't have friends like Cub did, and there was a specific group of people who just loved to be mean to me. I sighed and the rest of the bike ride to school was quiet.

When I got to school I wasn't very focused on what was going on in front of me. I was speaking to Cub when I, or rather someone, ran into me. I looked down at them and immediately recognized them. I was so confused though, is this real or am I still dreaming?



[1362 Words]

La fin.

Final word total: 47,172 (I made sure to exclude all the a/ns when I added everything up :)

Well, that's the very end. If you read this far, I really appreciate it and I'm going to assume you like it at least just a little bit otherwise you wouldn't have read through 27 chapters of this, right? So I'm glad you enjoyed it! Anyways I guess this chapter was more of a prologue or set up for DDD, which now I can tell you what it stands for!

Dreams, Dares, & Darkness is what I'm going to call the sequel to this book :)

Ask me anything! It doesn't even really have to be about the book, you can ask me about my hair colour or when I got into writing or anything you can think of. If it's something I don't want to answer, I'll tell you in a nice little message :)

Anyways I think that's it, that's this book done, I hope to see you in my other stories, bbai lovelies! <3

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