Chapter 16

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Then I woke up...

I opened my eyes and I wasn't at the water fountain anymore. I wasn't outside anymore. It was all a dream. I knew it was too good to be true. I was so foolish to ever think that was real. I crawled up into a ball while clutching my blankets tightly. I was ready to break down and cry until I realized, these weren't my blankets. They were green and white, mine were red and black. I then sat up in the bed I was in. It also wasn't mine. It was much more comfortable. I looked around and my confusion only grew stronger. I didn't recognize where I was at all. Was it a dream after all? Did something else happen that led me to wake up in someone else's bed?

"Oh, you're awake! Thank god, I was really worried you were gonna be out for much longer." Scar said as he popped through the door. A smile immediately grew on my face when I saw him, this meant it must've been real. He walked closer to me and sat next to me on his bed. "I'm still worried about you though, you look dehydrated, malnourished, and sleep deprived, have you not been taking care of yourself?" He asked with a genuinely concerned expression. I shook my head sheepishly and he frowned.

"You need to take better care of yourself, Grian." I could hear slight sadness in his voice and I felt like I'd let him down. I can't remember the last time I've slept and I haven't eaten or drank anything in a long time. "I'm sorry.." I muttered quietly as I looked at the bumps my legs created in the blanket. "It's okay, I'm just worried about you, that's all. You have nothing to be sorry for." I was about to protest but then I felt his feeling of helplessness and decided to just shut my mouth. I smiled weakly as I pulled myself towards him for a hug. He hugged me back gently and I whispered,

"Do you have any food?" I heard him let out a small chuckled and my face lit up at the adorable sound I missed so much. I pulled away and saw the soft smile on his face. "Of course I have food! Now come on, let's get you some yummy breakfast!" He exclaimed joyfully as he took my hand and pulled me out of bed. It was a bit hard for me to walk and I felt extremely weak, it was the first time I'd actually paid attention to the impact of my lack of food, water, and sleep. Eventually we reached Scar's kitchen and wow, it was much bigger than mine. It was a very open concept with a big island in the middle and some chairs. He must like cooking a lot if he has such a big kitchen.

"I made French toast while you were sleeping, I hope you like it." He rubbed the back of his neck shyly and I couldn't help but smile, I missed him so much more than words can say. "I love French toast, it's perfect!" A big wide grin crept up his face as he took two pieces of bread from the refrigerator to reheat them. I sat on one of the chairs at the island, it reminded me of my own kitchen a little bit. I have an island in my kitchen too, but it's more of an island counter and only has two stools on one side. It was also much smaller, due to the smaller size of my kitchen. As I came out of my trance, I could see Scar was in his own world.

He was staring at me with a warm smile and I could see his eyes studying every inch of my face. As much as I tried not to, I couldn't stop myself from blushing a slight red colour. His eyes lingered somewhere on my face but I couldn't make out where he was staring before he turned away with a bright red colour sprinkled onto his cheeks and nose. He turned back to face me shyly, "S-sorry." He stuttered quietly. I gigged at how cute he was.

"It's okay, I don't mind." I flashed him a bright smile and he seemed to ease a little bit. We sat there looking at each other in silence for a while. It was peaceful, no words needed to be spoken. But all good things come to an end, this one ended with the ding from the oven, notifying us the French toast was ready. He pulled it out of the oven and my mouth almost drooled from the smell. My leg started shaking and I was so excited to eat it, Scar's food was incredibly good last time and I couldn't wait to try something else of his. He placed the two pieces on a plate and gave it to me with his gorgeous smile.

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