Chapter 17

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We're going back in time to when chapter 15 took place :) (37) ←(this just tells me how many words I need to remove from the word total at the end, I care about the details too much :')

{Scar's POV}

I was still quite confused by what happened four days ago. No matter how many times Tango explains it, I just can't seem to understand. Why would Grian leave his house? Why would he be crying in front of the shopping district? It just didn't make much sense to me. I try not to think about it much since I first took this time away from Grian so I could keep a clear head. Right now I wasn't sure why I was staying away. I had a pretty good idea though, I think I broke him. From what Tango described to me, he's reverted to sadness and it's undoubtedly because of me.

I shook my head clear of such heavy thoughts, I hated being in a negative mindspace. I took out my communicator to check the time and it was nearly a quarter past noon, which means I've been fiddling around my shop for at least 40 minutes. I wasn't even being productive either, I was just making quick little sketches of different landscapes. I want to say I was good at it, but I knew that I was probably awful at it. I put my paper and my pen away before I got up and left.

The was a group of hermits huddled up and whispering to each other outside. While this wasn't too uncommon, it usually didn't involve so many people, and they all looked like they've just seen a ghost. I decided I would see what it was all about, there was nothing for me to do at home either way. So as I got closer to the group I could make out a bit of what they were on about. I heard Grian's name be tossed around a few times and now I wasn't sure if I wanted to know anymore, but it was too late for that.

"Scar! Scar Scar Scar Scaaaar!!! We all saw Grian!" Cleo said as she pointed in two opposite directions. "Yeah! He just walked through here!" False added, doing the same hand gestures as Cleo. "Only a couple of minutes ago!" Zedaph said with a 'mind blown' kind of gesture. "And he did it like he was never even gone!!" Wels seemed like he was still in shock. Bdubz and Etho were there too but all they had to add to this confusing mess of a conversation were aggressive nods and yeahs.

"Wait, slow down. You're telling me that Grian was here?" I asked with slight skepticism. "Exactly!!" Cleo and False answered at the same time. "And he just walked from there-" I pointed in the first direction. "-to there?" I pointed in the second direction. The six hermits gave a collective nod. "Good for him, I guess." I shrugged as I began walking to my next shop which happened to be fairly close. I could hear some surprised sounds from the group but it didn't really bother me. I meant what I said, I'm glad he's outside walking through the shopping district. I didn't think he'd be able to do that in a while.

I shrugged it off and simply started restocking my shop. As I was doing so, Xisuma walked in. "Hey X!" I said cheerfully as I noticed his not-so-joyful expression through his mask. "Hello, Scar." He said in a serious tone. I was slightly worried about why he was here. Did something happen? "Why don't you come sit down with me?" He said as he opened and sat on one of the folding chairs I keep in the corner of my shop. I looked at him with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"What's up?" He sighed, "Scar, what happened between you and Grian? I don't need any details you don't want to give me but you've basically dragged him out of his house." I had basically dragged him out of his house? How would I have done that? I haven't even seen him in over a week. "What do you mean?" I asked Xisuma, a skeptic look on my face. "I saw Impulse not too long ago and he told me he saw Grian." I was about to say something but Xisuma continued before I could. "That wasn't all, Impulse also asked Grian what brought him out here, and he gave your name." I was nearly baffled at the words that had just come out of my masked friend's mouth.

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