Chapter 25

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Warning! :)
I'm not going to write any smut in this book, however, it does get intense as in like detailed tongue kissing ( ˘ ³˘)<3 ←(don't mind me being dumb) and a bit more other stuff. So, if you don't wanna read that I uh, not sure what to tell ya. Skip to Scar's POV? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


{Grian's POV}

After his adorable comment that heated up my cheeks, Scar pulled me into his lap and the heat on my cheeks only increased. We stared off into the beautifully coloured sky as the sun set slowly. I was really glad I could enjoy the fabulous parts of the world I loved so much with someone like Scar, especially since he's my boyfriend now. I never thought this would actually happen, he said yes, he loves me back. "Are we spending the whole night here?" I heard his voice from somewhere above my head. "That sounds nice."

"Are you going to wake me up in the middle of the night and invite me somewhere else?" He giggled profusely from behind me. I laid farther into his chest and looked up so we could both look at each other. "No, there wouldn't be a reason to." He looked at me inquisitively, "What do you mean by that?" I felt embarrassed blush take over my cheeks. "Well uh, I wake up in the middle of the night because I miss you." I responded shyly as I fiddled with the strings on Scar's hoodie. He looked at me and let out an adorable giggle, "That's so cute! And you won't miss me if you're sleeping next to me?" I shook my head before I specified, "I won't miss you because I'll know that you're next to me."

He smiled warmly, "We should sleep together every day then!" I laughed playfully, "Not so innocent now are we, Scar?" I teased, causing his cheeks to light up a bright red colour. "I mean that- You know what I meant! You're the one that made it sound like something else!" He muttered nervously and loudly. I couldn't hold back my laughter, "I know what you meant, and I'd like that." I said as my laughter died down. He looked down at me lovingly. My eyes fluttered shut as his face approached mine ever so slowly to place his lips on mine gently.

We pulled away for few seconds to look in each other's eyes, then we went back in for seconds. I felt the tip of his tongue softly drag across my bottom lip so I opened my mouth a little bit to give him access. I felt his tongue sink into my mouth and it felt like heaven. I hadn't been with anyone before Scar so I didn't have any experience and didn't know what to do. I was sure I was doing it all wrong and he wouldn't want to kiss me again, but that wasn't the case. When we pulled away a string of saliva kept both of our mouths tied together. He came in close again, giving me a kiss as he swallowed the stray saliva connecting our mouths.

"You're really good at that." I spoke softly as I tried to process that this was reality now. He smirked at me in a way I wouldn't describe as innocent like his usual smiles. "So are you." He responded and before I knew it we were kissing again, our tongues dancing in perfect harmony with each other. The pure bliss of just that singular kiss was worth all the pain I've gone through to get to this point. A few more kisses were exchanged between the two of us before we went back to staring at the beautiful sunset. I felt so safe and protected in his arms, there was nowhere else I'd rather be and no one else I'd rather be with.

"Where are we gonna sleep?" Scar said, breaking the comfortable silence we were stewing in. I looked around with uncertainty. "I hadn't really thought about that. Maybe a tree?" He looked at me and raised a brow before a soft chuckle left his lips. "I don't think the trees have enough leaves to hold our weight." I shook my head and giggled, "I meant under a tree, if you're comfortable enough on the ground you can use the tree as a backrest." I stated cheerfully. "Hm, yeah, but where would you sleep? I don't want to let you sleep out here in the middle of nowhere if I can't at least have you in arm's reach." I blushed slightly at how protective of me he was being. I can't say I wasn't enjoying it.

"Well that's an easy question, I'm gonna sleep in your lap! Unless you have something to say about that." He smiled and shook his head, indicating he didn't have a problem with the idea. We then talked and joked about all sorts of things until the sun fully set. I sunk into Scar's loving touch and closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep then and there. I had almost fallen asleep when I heard him softly whisper, "Goodnight Grian, I love you." I should pretend to be sleeping more often if those are the cute things he says to me when I'm actually asleep. But that would be something to do some other day, as I was quickly fading into my dreams.

{Scar's POV}

I felt Grian fall asleep in my arms, a feeling that never got old. "Goodnight Grian, I love you." I whispered softly in his ear before I looked around to find a good tree to sleep under. I found one just a couple feet behind us so I scooped Grian up bridal style and brought us under said tree. It wasn't the most comfortable sleeping position or location I've slept in but all that mattered to me was that Grian was okay. I didn't care what happened to me, as long as Grian was safe then nothing else mattered. I fell asleep regretting not having told him how I felt sooner.

I woke up to Grian shuffling around in my lap. It was probably still early morning due to the sun not being too high up in the sky, although it was barely visible through the dark clouds that covered almost all of the sky. "Oh, I'm sorry! Did I wake you up?" Grian asked when he noticed I was awake. "Yeah, but it's okay, the rain would've woken me up anyways." I grunted as I got up and sharp pain ran up my spine. I don't think I was going to sleep like that in another while. "Yeah, that's what woke me up." He stated joyfully which slightly confused me. "And that's a good thing?" He nodded as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out into the pouring rain.

It was oddly warm and for some reason I really enjoyed the feeling. Grian seemed to as well because he had a smile that climbed up to his ears. He held onto my chest tightly and I swayed us from left to right repeatedly. The rain quickly soaked my hair and clothes as well as Grian's. It made me slightly regret forgetting my hat at Grian's house. I laid my head softly on top of his and smiled warmly. "I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to be here with you." I murmured softly before the words even entered my head.

"I can't either, I love you so much Scar." He mumbled into my chest before he lifted his head to look at me with a playful grin on his face. "I love you too." I barely finished the words before he took both of my hands in his, surprising me a little. "What's this for?" I said with a light chuckle as I lifted both of our intertwined hands. "Dancing! If you're up for the challenge that is." I returned his playful expression from earlier. "Are you asking me to dance, Grian?" I looked at him teasingly, trying to get a reaction out if him. "I guess I am, but I'll make this a little more formal. Scar, would you like to dance with me?" I giggled as blush took over my cheeks, "I'd love to." I murmured lovingly into his ear.

Shortly after we started slow dancing in the warm, shiny rain. I had never felt so free in my life ever before and no words could even begin to express the amount of love and adoration I felt for him. We moved in sync on the wet grass just staring lovingly in each other's eyes, not a care for anything else in the world. It felt like there was nothing else around us and no one else in the world. It felt like everything was frozen except for us, like this was the only thing happening. I lifted my arm, Grian twirled, and then I pulled him into my chest and gave him a passionate kiss as raindrops fell onto our combined faces.


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