Chapter 9

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Alright so yeah I decided I'm gonna make a scarian drawing because I'm bored and as I'm writing this (July 31) I'm moving to a different province and will have no internet for a few days. Maybe more I don't know yet. Anyways I'm gonna post it here and y'all can decide whether I use it as a cover or nuh. (63)

{Scar's POV}

Grian was hysterical when he told me not to go and I didn't quite understand why since he couldn't tell me. He tried to but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth. I decided to ask the other hermits about it and they all got the same card as I did. Well, they didn't get a tear drop and a sorry which confused me even more than I already was. Was this targeted towards me, and did Grian know that? I messaged him on our communication app, Commap, to tell him about all of this and ask if I was allowed to go. He told me I could as long as I was extra, extra, extra careful. I also discovered that the ap at the end of Commap doesn't stand for app. It's joins with the last m to make map, so you can communicate and have a map of Hermitland!

I was a little late to the place we were all invited to since I kind of lost track of time. It was a good thing though because when I got there, plenty other people were here too. I also realized that the location was the cliff where Mumbo.. well, you know. Most hermits call it the Cliff of Tragedy. I was beginning to get more and more suspicious of what this was about. What happened must've been horrible if something as simple as a name can trigger so much sorrow. Maybe it wasn't just the name? It really didn't matter right now though. I wanted to find Cub, after Grian, Cub is the next person I'd search for in a large crowd like this. I moved through everyone, desperately trying to find Cub, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I guess he just hasn't gotten here yet.

{Zedaph's POV}

Impulse and I were one of the first to have gotten here and we've been scanning the crowd for Tango every ten minutes or so but he was nowhere to be seen. "You see him?" I asked the brunette worriedly. "No, you?" I gave him a gentle slap on the head, "Would I be asking you where he is if I saw him?" His cheeks turned pink with embarrassment almost instantly. I started to think for a little, it was about half an hour past 5pm, the time written on the card thing. Maybe Tango was the one who called us all out here?

"Do you still have the card on you?" I gave Impulse a slight nudge. His eyes focused back on me, "Yeah, I think so." He pulled the piece of paper out and both of us inspected it at the same time. "What are you thinking?" He turned his head to look at me. I did the same, "Do you think Tango could've written this?" his eyes widened almost to the size of apples. "Maybe!! Dude, you're a genius."

{Etho's POV}

There was only one person I was looking for right now, and that was Axel. We shared the same drive and passion for chaos so I wanted to find him so we can enjoy this together. Fortunately for me, I'd just seen him on the other side of the crowd. I started making my way over to him rather quickly, which caused me to trip over a rock and gather enough momentum to make him fall as well. I could feel the blush hiding under my mask as I lay a top of him, almost straddling his waist with one of my hands on his chest and my face very close to his. I sprang up to my feet and extended my arm to help him back up. He took it and soon enough we were both awkwardly laughing.

"What brings you out here today?" The black haired boy jokingly said, to which I responded, "I think we both know the answer to that," a smirk was visible on his face before we both said, "Potential chaos." in sync. "So, who do you think called this thing?" I asked while leading him to where I was before. "Hmm.. my best guess is Iskall, they've got nothing but time on their hands since Sahara shut down. Perfect opportunity to create a plan for world domination." I nodded. "But does Iskall really doesn't seem like the type of person who's secretly an evil mastermind? Ten bucks says it's Grian exposing the truth about Mumbo." Axel looked at me with a mischievous grin, "Oh you're so on."

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